MovieChat Forums > Charmed (1998) Discussion > Recently finished it; don't really care ...

Recently finished it; don't really care for it

So I watched "Charmed" for the first time this year (on Netflix), and I finished season 8 three days ago. Overall, meh, I was glad to have it over with.

Billie was my favorite character in season 8. I think that indicates how I feel about the Charmed Ones.

Oh, and really nice of the writers to give them such perfect lives after the end of the series. I wonder who demanded that.

Mark Moore

The Unofficial Captain N Home Page
Online since 02/27/97


I think your perspective is interesting, because most of the fans engaging on this message board have been fans for YEARS, since it started to air, and the quality and writing of popular TV shows since then has changed drastically for the better since Charmed ended. Personally, I love it mostly for the nostalgia. Im sure if it started today and was the same show I would dislike it hell of a lot more


One thing that I want to add:

This doesn't feel like a network series. Maybe it's because I didn't originally watch it on The WB, but it feels more like a first-run syndication series (like Xena, Hercules, Mutant X, etc.). It's something that I could imagine being shown on a weekend afternoon.

Mark Moore

The Unofficial Captain N Home Page
Online since 02/27/97


If I didn't start watching it when I did as a kid, I don't think I'd like it either. And even when I was younger, I didn't like the latter half of the show.

I enjoy rewatching it now, but it's more of a comfort. And nostalgia's a big part of it. I like how dated the early seasons look, and I like that it was set before everyone had a smartphone or was on social media. It keeps it more intimate that way.

I can totally see how someone watching it for the first time today wouldn't like it as much.


If it started today with the very first episode, I would definitely like it and continue to watch it. I wish there were shows like the first season right now! Heck, I wouldn't even mind if it started out like season 2 or even 3!


Oh, and really nice of the writers to give them such perfect lives after the end of the series. I wonder who demanded that.

Well it did have Aaron Spelling as the executive producer. Looking at his background in TV shows, then a happy ending with perfect lives was to be expected in Charmed as well.


My feelings towards the show are mixed, because at times I found it interesting, other times I thought it was stupid, and a few times I had no interest at all.

I finally sat down and watched it a few years ago, and realized what had happened. The series was actually well-done until after Season 4. Then it became a victim of WB Syndrome, where the show moved to WB (which is now the CW), and their dumbass writers took over the plot and ruined the entire thing with bad writing. Seriously! You can see the change very easily in the season where Paige enters the picture.

I then heard that the series actually ended with the episode "Something Wicca this way Goes," but apparently it was brought back by fans, and they tacked on a bunch of extra crap, while the actresses just wanted it to be over with. I did hear they gave the series a proper finale, but by then, nobody cared except the few hardcore fans.

However, compared to the blackwashed abortion CW came out with recently, this series isn't so bad by comparison.


What does "blackwashed" mean? What show had an abortion on CW?

I sorta remember the show being brought back, and thinking to myself "probably not a good idea."


I believe she is talking about the new Charmed (2018) and it's a crappy thing to say. Like, OK, you don't like it but you don't have to be rude about it.


It's the truth, they replaced all the leads with black actresses, rehashed a lot of the same scripts as well as the show's premise, and included propaganda nobody wanted or asked for. Don't blame me if the show stinks because of all that.


All the sisters in the new show are played by black actresses, but they use all the same scripts and the same premise of the show, only now it has more SJW propaganda, so it's probably gonna flop as bad as the rest of CW's horrible shows.


It seems odd to use the same scripts. Where's the surprise?


The remake is weird. The actresses playing the sisters are all of a different race. Actors just make political speeches and recite slogans rather than any meaningful dialogue. For a concept that is meant to be fun they sure know how to piss on the party.


It had a real old school kind of feel to the writing. Although they had some story arcs it was all pretty laid back. Bringing it back for an extra season was a huge mistake, from memory they just gave them all new identities and it was like nothing ever happened or something.


Holy Sheeit...I didn't know was still a thing.
