MovieChat Forums > Charmed (1998) Discussion > Error in The Power of Three Blondes?

Error in The Power of Three Blondes?

Just wondering, about Chris in this episode. This is before we are informed that Chris is Piper's second son from the future. When the blondes take the identity as the Charmed Ones, everyone is under their spell. In the end of the episode, right before the blondes lose their powers, the one that takes Phoebes identity is revealed to have slept with Chris, and he doesn't deny it. AND one of the other blondes keep flirting with him the entire episode, so my question is... Blonde Phoebe was still Phoebe, thus Chris' aunt, and he knows this! Why would he sleep with her?! Am I missing something? Would Chris even be born if Misty took Pipers identity before she got pregnant?


If you ask me, this entire episode is an error. Anyway--

I didn't get the impression he actually slept with her, but I could be wrong. I assume he flirted (which is disgusting, as we later find out they're related), but nothing more. And I may be remembering wrong, but I thought he only flirted after he realized something was up with them. We learn at the end that he knew they weren't the Charmed Ones after a certain point, and maybe the flirting was just playing along to eventually get rid of them.


Yeah maybe... the sisters ask if they slept together, and Chris says yes, and the other one says no, but in a guilty way. Why would Chris sleep with imposters? :P


Chris says yes only to split those imposters as he knows who they are.


Chris flirted with her but didn't sleep with her. He only said yes to the question only to instigate a big fight to break up the power of three they stole. And Chris only flirted with her after he realized they weren't the charmed ones. But it's still creepy he made out with her looking like Phoebe. He's lucky the real Phoebe was frozen and didn't see him smooching her look alike


Atleast the Piper looking blonde didn't flirt or got touchy with Chris like Phoebe and Paige imposters did. But yeah, still weird he made out...tongue and all with someone who looked like Aunt Phoebe. Since he didn't exist yet, Phoebe wasn't logically his Aunt yet. still creepy *shudders*


I just watched that attic scene again and I noticed that fake Phoebe rolled her eyes and looked away when she said No to fake Piper and her response didn't seem truthful, as if she was lying. So what if the fake Phoebe said No to not upset fake Piper and Chris's Yes was true. Knowing she already tried to come on to Chris earlier and was warned and she did really come on strong to phoebes boyfriend in the resteraunt. Can only imagine what she would have tried to do or did when Chris showed her interest. Can't even think of that scenario right now.



Since Charmed sometimes copies things from movies e.g Matrix moves empath Prue used on a demon, two lovers cursed to be owl and a wolf and so on. It seems the writers were going for the 'Back to the Future' with Chris. The trying to get Mom and Dad together and slowly disappearing from existence totally reminded me of Back to the Future.

Another thing happens is that the time traveller, Marty, his mother actually falls for her son o.0 Difference with Chris is he sort of got his aunt's affection. Briefly. We had Phoebe as the Goddess of Love flirt with him. Then later on Paige and Phoebe imposters getting touchy with him.

Perhaps the reason Chris makes himself annoying and untrustworthy so much is to make sure neither his newly single mother or single aunts ever fell for him.


I don't think Phoebe flirting with Chris in the season 5 finale was a move by the writer's to Back to the Future.
It stinks of them not knowing who Chris actually was at the time the episode was made.

Either that or they later changed their minds about who he was supposed to be.

Babies kill TV shows!


Chris never one time flirted back and any time the sister's ever flirted with him they were under a spell (Phoebe being the Goddess of Love at the end of season 5, and being a Stillman sister in 6). Chris only played along in The Power of Three Blondes because the real Charmed Ones convinced him during their fight with the Stillman's in the Solarium that the Stillman's were fakes. Chris says (after getting the blonde's to fight and break the power of three on the book) "In all my life, I have never seen you take the bait so easily." To which Phoebe (? I just watched it two episodes ago) replies, "All your life? You've only known us two months." And Chris, of course, diverts the question as he usually did.

That, to me at the time because I assumed Chris would be a relation even then, pretty much confirms that Chris is actually there for 'the good' and is from their tight circle. Also, the way that Chris speaks to baby Wyatt is exactly the way a spurned sibling would behave. Also, he did go into Piper's room at one point and she tells him he can't just walk in like that and Chris replies with "Yeah, I know." As if that were a rule he was familiar with, not because he is a 'stranger'.

IMO. I also watched in real time with my sisters and we debated about Chris from his first episode. All three of us sort of trusted him in an odd way. I think his goodness won out because he is hot.

~I am defying gravity, and soon I'll match them in renown...


Chris never one time flirted back and any time the sister's ever flirted with him they were under a spell

Yes, they were. But it was written in so many times in a short number of episodes that I think it highlights the writers not always knowing who they wanted Chris to be.

Babies kill TV shows!


Yeah, they definitely started him off not knowing (or maybe with a totally different idea in mind as he sent Leo to Valhalla, that was sketchy no matter which way you look at it), but it was smart of the writers to never have Chris 'engage' with Phoebe or Paige. They had to have a slight idea of where-ish they were going with him.

~I am defying gravity, and soon I'll match them in renown...


I vaguely remember Phoebe empathically picking up on Chris' attraction to Paige? I know it was season 6 sometime... I agree with ya'll, I don't think the writers were entirely sure where to go with him at first so they kept their options open.


Chris never flirted with any of them except after finding out the blondes were fakes. And the only time Phoebe sensed anything from him was when he was being secretive in 6x01/6x02 about Leo's whereabouts.

Before it was revealed that he was a second son, it was originally intended for him to be a future Wyatt under another name.


It must be a case of false memory lol. I remember Paige in a purple dress and Chris looks at her... i may have mis remembered the attraction part. I'd have to watch it again to be sure but the only episode I ever rewatch in that season is Chris Crossed.


Are you referring to 6x02 when she was dressed up to go meet Oscar and wearing a strapless purple dress?
All he did was compliment her and said she looked nice, thats not flirting. Any normal decent person would do the same. Ive complimented my mother the same way.


Yes, that's what i was thinking of. I actually watched the whole episode and it wasn't too bad. It's funny that back in my younger brain, i must have seen it as flirting. But yeah, i agree you, watching it now, he just paid her a compliment. I think it's funny how age and time can change the perception of something.



>>>But it's still creepy he made out with her looking like Phoebe.<<<

You are working off a false premise. She DIDN'T look like Phoebe. She looked like her real self. The spell they cast didn't change their appearance. It only made everyone think they were Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. Remember in the earlier scene in the arboretum, one of the Spellman sisters says "Everyone knows that the Charmed Ones are Blonde!"
