MovieChat Forums > Charmed (1998) Discussion > A couple of things that always annoyed m...

A couple of things that always annoyed me

I've started binge watching the show on Netflix after a very long hiatus...&& already I'm starting to remember things that annoyed me.

#1 - The recast of Victor. I can understand if they can't get an actor back but why cast someone as charming and nice-looking (as in nice, not attractive) as the actor who did the recurring role? They work so hard (especially Prue) to paint him as this bog bad villian but then he looks so nice and charming that it's hard to hate him or even believe his whole redemption story. They should've gone with someone a little more rugged looking. Someone who looks bad but could def be redeemed later on. Also, it's funny how he tries to threaten demons....haha I would've laughed loudly as I threw a fireball in his face.

2- Making Wyatt such a big deal when they knew that the sistets were probably going to end up having 3 kids each (to continue the pattern). There was way too much focus on Wyatt...and then Chris took up the rest of the attention but what about the girl Piper had? We had been waiting for her since Prue was still alive...then she gets a quick cameo at the end? Smh....I understand the dangers of having a child in the house with demons dropping in every second...but to make Wyatt a target by making him the most magical being ever? Too much.

3 - Gideon, period. Should be self-explanatory

4 - Leopard his constant fight with power. We've already seen this played out in Phoebe, Cole, and somewhat Paige...there was really no reason to do that to him as well...especially since Brian K. couldn't pull it off well.

I know there's more but these are the main ones that annoyed me...


Sorry for the mistakes, my auto-correct is something serious.


LOL, don't worry about it - I just suggest you add the names to your computer's dictionary and you won't have to worry about it.

I agree with everything you wrote, especially regarding Victor. Much as I loved the character as played by James Read, like you, I just couldn't believe that he was ever the same character as the one we originally saw and who should've been canon.

Many fans like to believe that that 'Thank You for Not Smoking' episode never existed, hence explaining the differences. I'm sure that's what Brad Kern wanted us to think. But I love that Christmas video too much to ever do that. It *is* canon and if Charmed was in the least-bit consistent (which it never was...), it would've remained canon.

Worse than the changing of his character was Kern's changing Victor's name. The *opening credits* in 'Thank You for Not Smoking' - definitely making it canon - say "Tony Denison as Victor Halliwell" a definite proof that Kern's Season Three and those after are an alternate universe when suddenly he became Victor Bennett and Penny was suddenly Penny Halliwell because her husband was Allen Halliwell when if you stick with canon, Patty didn't become a Halliwell until she married Victor, so Piper would've been the first Halliwell to keep her maiden name and Penny never would've been a Halliwell.

Also, I will never consider the little girl we saw at the end as the same Melinda who we saw in 'Morality Bites'. She's an only child and she's the wrong age. She's closer in age to Wyatt and I believe he *is* Kern's Melinda of this alternate universe.

Also, I don't believe that the little girl at the end's name is Melinda despite what the comics did. While pregnant with Wyatt, she said her baby's name is Prudence. I do believe that in this alternate universe, it's her daughter who is named Prudence, not Phoebe's.

I continue to believe that when Brad Kern changed the canon, he was already planning an all-powerful *male* child name Wyatt Halliwell, the reason he changed Victor's last name and the reason why he had Grams say that Halliwell women keep their maiden name when she herself should've never been a Halliwell. Had she said that, I do believe that romantic Piper would've wanted to take Leo's name and be Piper Wyatt or even Piper Halliwell-Wyatt, but Wyatt would never be Wyatt Wyatt or Wyatt Halliwell-Wyatt.

Now again, all of this is just my own belief - I have no proof that it's true, just my own speculations. So if any fan wants to believe it's a bunch of hooey, they sure can.

But it makes sense to me.


"Thank You for Not Smoking"

Babies kill TV shows!


Oops! Of course I meant "Thank You For Not Smoking".

OOOPS! Did it AGAIN! Try this one more time...

Of course I meant "Thank You for Not Morphing".


When did Piper say she would've named her child Prudence if Wyatt had been a girl?

Babies kill TV shows!


The beginning of 'Baby's First Demon' (Bolding mine)

Scene: Manor. Piper's room. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Leo and the baby are there. Everyone is looking down at the baby who is in the bassinet.]

Phoebe: Ooh, I could eat him up! I swear I could with a little ranch dressing.

Piper: Okay, but let's not, okay?

Phoebe: I can't make that promise.

Leo: Okay, don't listen to your aunties, okay, they're a little kooky. Us guys gotta stick together, don't we, Peter?

Piper: Peter?

Leo: Peter. I'm just floating it.

Piper: Hmm, is your name Peter?

Phoebe: Well, for what it's worth, I dated a Peter in high school and he wasn't very nice.

Paige: Yeah, you know, for what it's worth, it's kind of the name of the appendage that he has that surprised us all so much. It might get him teased at school.

Leo: Okay, no Peter, but we're running out of P's.

Paige: I can't believe you never thought of P boy names.

Piper: Well, when I went to the future I had a little girl and obviously that has changed, as has a lot of things but, um, I'm still having trouble letting go of the name we settled on.

Phoebe: Yeah, well, Prudence Melinda might get him in trouble at school too.

Hence why I've always believed Piper's first girl's name would be named Prudence Melinda, despite what was done in the comics.


Another reason why I don't think the little girl at the end is the same as the Melinda in 'Morality Bites'. Although a fanfic and obviously not canon, especially because it was written before 'Forever Charmed' was aired, I believe in the idea behind this story. Even if he had a younger sister, I still think this is how Chris would feel about Melinda.

Author’s note: Written and originally posted in June 2005. The title comes from a poem of the same name by William Butler Yeats. The lines in particular that I was drawing on were: “Come away, O human child/ To the waters and the wild / With a faery hand in hand/ For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.”

The Stolen Child
by Nam Jai

“Mom, tell me about her.”

When I was a kid, and first heard about her, she fascinated me. Mom told me what little she knew, unable to disguise her own wistfulness for the girl she herself had scarcely known more than ten minutes.

She was six years old. She was never any younger; she would never be any older. Just for that day when Mom saw her, she was six years old. And that was just a guess based on her appearance anyway, but in my mind, I decided the guess must have been right: She was six.

“She had dark hair, of course,” Mom said. “And freckles…here.” Smiling, she brushed her finger across the bridge of my nose.

Mom said she seemed smart. And she was cheerful. Probably no one told her that her aunt was to be executed that day. She was only six, after all. So she happily played with her tea set and resolutely told her mother — our mother — that she would not use her powers. Mom thought about binding those powers, but in the end, let them be.

So she always had her powers, whatever those were, but she would never use them.

Her name was Melinda. My sister.

But her family was different from mine. Her mom and dad were divorced. Aunt Prue was alive, Aunt Phoebe was on death row, and Aunt Paige was nowhere. Witches were persecuted. There was no Wyatt, and there was no me.

But I think of her as my sister all the same. More than she was Wyatt’s. She would have been the same age as Wyatt. He was the child born instead of her.

Here in our life without her, I asked Mom to tell me all she knew, to make Melinda real, but Mom knew too little.

“Where is she now?” I asked.

“I don’t know, sweetie.” And she hugged me. “I don’t know.”

Melinda was lost, forever six years old in a future that would never happen. She would not have to suffer a life in which witches were persecuted, cowering in darkness for fear of being burned alive. She would never live at all.

“Is she happy, where she is?”

“I hope so.”

In my imagination, she was. She was somewhere she where would be always cheerful and use her powers with no fear and no pain. I imagined that I could go to that place, too, and visit my sister. On a dazzling, deserted beach, we would make sand castles and run into the waves. Other times we would explore the kind of a leafy forest where bugs never bit you and where none of the plants were poisonous and you could climb trees hanging over a clear creek. Those were the places where she could be found.

* * * *

I grew out of that. I grew older and mostly forgot about her, to be honest. I had never told anyone about visiting her, but I was embarrassed all the same — it seemed so stupid, I was glad I had never told anyone about it.

Then I found out…about me. Once I knew about another life, another future that could have been, and now isn’t, I finally understood what had drawn me to her. Our kinship, Melinda and I.

“You do understand why we never told you, don’t you?” Dad asked. “Your mother and I, we couldn’t let either you or Wyatt grow up with those kind of expectations or fears for your future on you.”

I got that. But I remembered Melinda, and I thought about this other Chris, the one who had erased his own life to create the one I was living in now. He had had more time, more life than six-year-old Melinda: He had had twenty-three years, until he died on his birthday - our birthday. Over a year of that with my family, before I was born.

Is he happy, where he is? I wondered. I didn’t ask. I knew now that no one had the answer.

* * * *

P3 was closed for the night; the last stragglers were leaving. From my seat at the bar, I took the final birthday wishes shouted to me by departing family and friends.

Bianca was the last to go. “You coming home?”

“I’m gonna stay here a little while longer, help Mom close up, then orb her home.”

“Okay.” Conscious of Mom’s presence a few stools away, she kissed me on the forehead. “Happy birthday.”

I looked at my watch. “It’s not my birthday anymore.”

“I know. Twenty-three and still standing. I’m glad. See you later. Probably in the morning — I’m going to bed.” She added, “Goodnight, Piper.”

“’Night. Thanks for coming,” Mom replied with the friendly awkwardness of someone who’d only recently started to trust that her prospective daughter-in-law was not going to kill me or steal my powers.

We were silent as I absently twirled the base of a near-empty bottle on the bar. Twenty-three and still standing. It had been five hours since the time of his death had passed. No one said anything, but there had been a longstanding family anxiety few of the friends here tonight had known. It had hung over the party, over the preparations for the party — the very idea of having one. Then the moment passed and the unnamed fear lifted.

Five hours now that I’ve lived longer than he did. Somehow, now he fully shared Melinda’s fate.

For the first time, I asked the question. “Mom, tell me about him.”

Mom looked up from her work. “About…?”

I didn’t quite answer her. “Am I…Am I him?”

She was silent for a moment, before saying gently, “I don’t know, sweetie.”

“So tell me about him.”

“Well…” She seemed to be choosing her words carefully. “He had a harder life than you, I know that. His mother died when he was young; he never told me when. ‘I can't tell you - future consequences’ — his constant refrain. He didn’t get along with his father, but they patched it up towards the end, and you reaped the benefits, since your dad’s been a little overly anxious about missing a single school play or birthday party with you.”

She placed the deposit on the stack for the safe, as she warmed up to the subject.

“He felt very strongly about what he thought was right, and he had a tendency to plunge in to do what was right and not really think through his plans and then get himself, and others, in trouble,” she said pointedly, and grinned. “He also had a habit of rolling his eyes and sighing — exactly like you did just now — when he felt misunderstood, annoyed or frustrated, which was often.

“He argued with his aunt Paige the most, because she would tease him and he’d think she wasn’t taking him seriously enough. She’d tell him he was neurotic and needed to lighten up.”

“This is sounding familiar.”

“She also loved him fiercely.”

“ ‘My two favorite nephews,’ ” I echoed Aunt Paige’s common phrase.

“She started that long before you were born. And his aunt Phoebe would want to help him with all his ‘issues,’ but…”

“…always how she thinks you need help, not however you want it.”

“Uh huh. But she trusted him before the rest of us did; he told her first who he was.”

“So, we — I mean, he was closest to Aunt Phoebe?”

“I wouldn’t say that. I like to think I meant something to him. And he forgave my mistrust, kicking him out of the house—-”

“Wait, you kicked me out of the house?”

“Well, I didn’t know who you were, and… he had just plunged into a bad plan that got Wyatt kidnapped and then proceeded to inform us for the first time that my baby boy was going to grow up to be evil. I was upset. And it didn’t happen to you, so get over it!”

“Okay, okay…” I laughed with her.

“He had the same smile as you do, though you smile more often. He loved a girl named Bianca and was going to marry her and never asked us how we felt about that,” she added.

“So, a man of excellent taste.”

“Right,” she said sardonically. But she was still smiling.

After a pause, I said, “You haven’t said anything about Wyatt.”

“I don’t have anything to say. I never met that Wyatt, and there was so much Chris wouldn’t tell us. I did worry…if Wyatt was evil, what had he done to his brother? I wonder if he was afraid to tell us. And I didn’t ask.”

She took a deep breath and added, “One thing he would talk about — more than we sometimes wanted to hear — was how he had something of an inferiority complex when it came to his super-powerful older brother.”

“Huh. Evil or not, I guess that’s unavoidable.”

“Evidently. Mostly he avoided baby Wyatt, but there was one day I caught them playing together, sitting on the floor in the middle of a mess of toys. That was the first day Chris called me Mom, too. One thing I know for sure, though, is that he loved Wyatt. He was willing to give up everything to save him.”

“Plunging in to do what’s right without thinking it through?”

“You could say that. But he did it: He saved Wyatt. He saved his family. And me — I’m still alive.”

“But that wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. And if my life has been so different, maybe I’m not even capable of it, of making those choices.”

“As for whether you’re capable of it, have I mentioned the plunging into danger thing? I’d just prefer that you not be faced with that kind of choice, because I’d rather have my living son than a heroic dead one.”

“I can’t be the hero. No, Mom, I’m not getting down on myself; really, I’m not. I just…If I’m that hero, if I get to take credit for that, karmically or whatever — what would that make Wyatt? What does he have to take credit for, or the blame for, that in this lifetime he didn’t do? I can’t…”

She nodded; I knew she understood. “How about you just take credit for the amazing person you are right now?”

“I’ll try. Thanks. It’s confusing to be a Halliwell, you know that?”

“Too well, believe me.”

We walked to the backroom, where the office was, where there was a ratty old couch that Mom would not get rid of. After she locked up, just before I orbed her to the Manor, she asked, “Did you have a good birthday party?”

“The best.”

“Good.” She hugged me and added, “I love you.”

“Love you too.”

Twenty-three and still standing, unused years stretching before me. I was not frozen in time like Melinda at six years old. Maybe he wasn’t either. This life I had to carry on may not have been in the perfect havens where the six-year-old girl was lost, but it was the one I had. The one I had created, in more ways than one.

Back in our apartment, true to her word, Bianca was asleep. She didn’t seem to wake up when I slipped in bed next to her, but she rolled over and tossed an arm over me.

Is he happy, where he is?

I smiled as I drifted into sleep, fully intending to sleep till noon.

Just maybe, he is.

The End


Another reason why I don't think the little girl at the end is the same as the Melinda in 'Morality Bites'.

Oh, yeah, definitely.
That was a child born under completely different circumstances. Wasn't that Melinda born from a mortal Leo in that future so therefore only inherited witch abilities from Piper?

Edit - But then I'm remembering the Melinda of season 8 was also born of a mortal Leo so it don't matter. Lmao.

Babies kill TV shows!


The thing that annoyed me most about the show was the focus on the kids. It was like it became their show, and we watched a show called "Charmed" meshed with a show called "Charmed Kids." If they wanted it to be all about the kids, or even just a large focus on them, then they needed to officially end Charmed and rename a spinoff series with the kids.

I was perfectly happy with the focus on the three sisters (preferably the original set), and maybe a boyfriend or two hanging around. But it was best when they were all single or when the men weren't involved to a large extent.

I would have even been okay with the show starting when they were all a few years younger than when we originally saw them just so that it would be plausible to have more time when they didn't want to have kids. For instance, if Piper's about 25 when the show starts, it's normal for her to start to want kids in her late 20s. But if the show starts when she's only about 22 and maybe fresh out of college, we could have seven or eight seasons before she's 30 so that by the time she does want kids, the show's over.

As you can see, I really, really don't like the kids. Or at least how much they were focused on.


Agreed totally. They should've ended Charmed with either 'All Hell Breaks Loose' or 'Witch Way Now?' or at the very latest 'Oh, My Goddess!' and then start a spin-off featuring the kids in the same time slot. Seeing what happened in Chris' original future would've been much more interesting than S6-8.

Although I don't think it would've bothered me as much if both kids - Wyatt and Chris - weren't Piper's. It just ended up putting too much emphasis on Piper and her family, and specifically three with whitelighter blood - Leo, Wyatt and Chris - putting the emphasis on their father rather than the fact that they were Warrens, which was what the show was supposed to be about. Had it been part of a spin-off, it wouldn't have bothered me as much - probably because I wouldn't have watched it - by Season Seven I was just watching Charmed because it was something I did, not because it was something I enjoyed like I did S1-5 the first time around.


Another reason why I don't think the little girl at the end is the same as the Melinda in 'Morality Bites'.

Oh, yeah, definitely.
That was a child born under completely different circumstances. Wasn't that Melinda born from a mortal Leo in that future so therefore only inherited witch abilities from Piper?

Edit - But then I'm remembering the Melinda of season 8 was also born of a mortal Leo so it don't matter. Lmao.
No, when Melinda Wyatt (as I believe she would've been in the Morality Bites universe since this was when her grandfather was still Victor Halliwell and her grandmother wasn't Patty Halliwell until she got married while her Great-Grandmother Penny was never a Halliwell but born a Baxter and married a Johnson...) was born, Piper and Leo were still trying to make it work with Leo having his wings - he still had his wings when he found Prue and Piper from the original timeline - remember? He orbed to Phoebe in prison. But from what we can tell, she was a witch, never a witchlighter just like Prudence Melinda Halliwell.

But naturally Kern wouldn't want Piper's daughter to have whitelighter powers - have to be sure the two males are the most powerful...


OMG! That is an entire conversation all on its own! I halfway want to see a remake now...wit Feminism at an all-time high...although I'm sure they'll screw everything else up.


LOL, naturally.

But it would be interesting to see the Charmed Ones as feminists as compared to the "girl power" that was prevalent in the late 90's - totally different than the feminism of today.

Maybe Phoebe would be allowed to be the Lesbian I always believed she was.


I read somewhere that they recast Victor because the original actor was in a relationship with Shannen and it would have been weird. Not sure if that was true or not though.



EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW he looked old enough to be her grandfather.

And didn't that happen later anyway with Julian McMahon? They sure didn't recast Cole afterwards.


I read somewhere that they recast Victor because the original actor was in a relationship with Shannen and it would have been weird. Not sure if that was true or not though.

I don't think it was said they had a relationship, but rather the wrong kind of chemistry. More like love interests than father and daughter. I can't say I agree with that, I actually thought that guy looked older than James Read.


That's a rumor I never heard. I always heard that Tony Denison was busy with another project. But that was back before I had a computer or read fan magazines, so I wouldn't have known anything about it, just like I didn't know anything about Shannen and Alyssa's so-called feud.

But saying that Tony was busy with another project could've been spin to cover Tony and Shannen's affair just like I've always believed the feud was spin - Shannen was pretty wild back then - it wouldn't surprise me if that was true, just like her having a relationship with Julian at the same time Alyssa was having one with Brian Krause. And as someone pointed out, that didn't stop Julian or Brian being part of the show.


I found it on Charmed Wikia, and I got the wording wrong. He wasnt recasted because of a relationship with Shannen,but because the writers thought he would make a better love interest for Prue than s father to the girls. Supposedly.

"Victor was originally portrayed by Anthony Denison in the season 1. Denison was not asked to return when producers found him more fitted as a love interest for Shannen Doherty's character, Prue Halliwell. The character of Victor was recast for season 3."

I'll ask wikia about the source for this later.


Charmed Wikia never quotes sources because most of their explanations are made up - it's all their fanon with a little bit of canon mixed in - VERY little.

You can trust what they say as far as you can throw the Manor.



I didn't realize that wanting love and a family was antithetical to being strong and independent.

If you are reading this, you have just lost The Game.


The victor in "Thank You For not Morphing" called himself Victor Haliwell while the other victor called himself Victor Bennet which I found odd. Like they were different victors.

Who's leopard?


Her auto-complete turned "Leo" into "Leopard".


That's what I thought but didn't understand the "constant fight with power" statement so I wasn't sure it was Leo? Was it referring to him loosing his power?


The victor in "Thank You For not Morphing" called himself Victor Haliwell while the other victor called himself Victor Bennet which I found odd. Like they were different victors.

I guess they thought having the Halliwell name on the mother's side (the witch side) was cooler. But they didn't think about that until after the initial episode and must not have cared if people noticed. And no explanation, even one line, why they'd give the kids Patty's name, except for it being cool.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I think they wanted Halliwell (the name demons feared...) to be more important than Warren, and never dreamed there would be such thing as the show syndicated or DVDs or Netflix where people could be reminded of what was done earlier and what should be canon, the same reason why the family trees are so messed up - they never dreamed we'd be able to do screenshots of them.


Yes I was not happy with the change of their father's last name. A spinoff with Wyatt, Chris and Melinda might have been pretty good to watch.


Not unless Wyatt lost his powers. Otherwise he was too powerful and there would be no drama.

Since absolute powers corrupt absolutely, once Piper and Leo found out what had happened to Wyatt in Chris' original future, Piper should've bound Wyatt's powers permanently.

Now THAT would've made a great spin-off - Wyatt powerless, Prudence Melinda just a witch (unlike the comics, I remember that Piper was going to name Wyatt Prudence Melinda, so since they don't name her on the show, so her name isn't canon, just like the comics and the Charmed Wiki aren't, I'm sure that as the oldest girl, that's what her name would've been), and Chris the most powerful of the bunch as a witchlighter.


The children of a Charmed One and a Whitelighter would be powerful just as Paige was pretty powerful with being the daughter of a witch and a whitelighter.

Of course it would require Leo to remain a Whitelighter if not being an Elder. They should have kept him a Whitelighter.

Since each sister has three kids each Piper would have a child after Wyatt and Chris. Binding Wyatt's powers because he becomes evil in the future is an interesting idea.

Shame they did not do a spinoff with Piper's kids.

