The power of Two

This is one of the few season 1 episodes that each time I watch them they always remind me of how intense and serious this series could have been. Same way I feel with the From Fear to Eternity episode, Dealing with Ward the Ghost of Alcatraz, casting spells like the To Lure and Evil Spirit spell to piss him off which to me was real old school use of magic, having to say the vanquishing spell while dead, all made this episode great. Then there's the demon Soul Collector behind the scenes the girls have no idea who she is, looking to collect a witches soul. All that and Piper out of the way and can't cast doubt on their actions. Plus we get three great confrontations. Prue and Phoebe, Prue and Andy and Andy with Daryl and internal affairs. This was when Phoebe was always nose deep into the book of shadows. Though she craved a job she had no idea what a job would eventually do to her. And Andy's reaction to seeing and reading the BOS was priceless.

Andy: I've always believed there was another world behind or beyond this one. I even sort of believe in demons. But I have never in my wildest dreams... I could never have imagined that this existed.

Prue: Yeah, neither did we. But we've come to believe that there's a reason for why that world was opened up to us. Which means there's probably a very good reason why it was opened up to you.

Phoebe: Welcome, to our little shop of horrors.

[Scene: Cemetery. Mausoleum. Prue and Phoebe are there.]

Prue: Oh, I hate cemeteries at night.

Phoebe: I hate cemeteries at day. (They hear a noise.) What was that?

Prue: Ah, probably a zombie or vampire.

Phoebe: Great, where's Buffy when you need her?

Prue: Okay, perfect, there it is, Jackson Ward. Do you have the picture? (Prue looks at the picture and Phoebe's written on it.) Hey, Jackson, let's party?

Phoebe: Okay, well, I couldn't think of anything else to write. Can we just do this and hurry?

Prue: Okay. (Prue throws the potion on and the plaque starts to melt.) Okay, okay, all right, let's go.


Does anyone else wish we'd only seen two Charmed Ones in an episode so you'd have this sort of drama again? It's also what we got in 'All Hell Breaks Loose' when Phoebe was in the underworld.

I do wish they wouldn't have met Paige until halfway through Season Four - I would've loved to have seen Piper and Phoebe try to survive with just a power of two.


Yes, Seeing Piper and Phoebe in season 4 work alone for some time would have been nice but I don't think Piper would have agreed to do anything. Closest I see to the perfect Piper/Phoebe duo was the first half of "Give Me A Sign" when Bane kidnapped Prue and they were looking for her.

"Love Hurts" was also almost sort of a Power of two as Piper was solely focused on dying Leo and never went dark lighter hunting with Prue and Phoebe.

It's hilarious in that episode how Prue kept poking at Phoebe as they entered the station, trying to provoke her into using her powers in public. I.e. to use Prue's powers in Phoebe.

[Cut to Phoebe and Prue entering the depot. Prue keeps poking Phoebe.]

Phoebe: Okay, are you trying to piss me off?

Prue: That's exactly what I'm trying to do, only it's not working.

Phoebe: How do you know?

Prue: Because I don't see anything flying across the room. Look, you're gonna need to know how to use my power in case the Darklighter shows up, remember. When I first got my power it was anger that triggered it, so I need to push your buttons.

Phoebe: Okay, it's not so easy to break me.

Prue: What was it in high school that the guys started calling you after they caught you making out with someone under the bleachers?

Phoebe: It's not gonna work.

Prue: What was that? Oh yeah, Freebie! (The magazines on a rack spin around and fall off.) Well, class is over.

Phoebe: You know that was just a rumour, right? Okay, now it's your turn. We need a premonition, where's Daisy?

Prue: Oh, do I have to? The last time I got all woozy and, and...

(She touches a chair and nothing happens.)

Phoebe: Okay, you know, you guys take for granted that I'm your innocent Yellow Pages. Okay, this takes work.

Prue: It is useless, all right. I'm never going to get... (she has a premonition) Do your ears ring when you do that?
(She nods.)



As much as I like all the main characters in the first half of the show, I liked it a lot when only some of them worked together. Prue and Phoebe working together in The Power of Two is the main example. It's not that I want Piper excluded from that story, but it has more of an emotional impact without her. The same is true when it was Phoebe and Leo in Cole's apartment when Leo realizes something isn't right with him, or when Prue and Cole went into the town caught in the time loop. Ultimately the show is at its best when it includes all three sisters, or when strong supporting characters are present as well, but it really is interesting when the group is divided up or paired off.


Also Piper and Paige in the first half of "Styx Feet Under". Though I don't think Piper worked too well with Paige. Phoebe was kind of working on her own in that episode. Well not really, she worked with Leo.
