I dream of Phoebe

So even though this was an excellent episode there are some parts of it that never made sense to me

1. Chris had made only two wishes when Richard took the genie bottle with phoebe in it so technically Chris had one more wish and was still phoebes master (I.e. Phoebe the Genie). So how was Richard able to set phoebe free with a command?
2. Right after Richard took the genie bottle with phoebe inside how was phoebe able to get out of the bottle by rocking it back and forth until it tipped over? Is there a rule that if a genie tips over their bottle they can get out of it?

Chris: Okay. So how do we get them back together?
Phoebe: W-we? There is no we here. We don't. You're the one that split them up. And why did you split them up?
Chris: Leo had to become an Elder to make room for me as your Whitelighter. It was the only way I could protect Wyatt from turning evil.
Phoebe: You're unbelievable. I mean, the most kids who are the cause of their parents divorce actually feel guilty. And you're sitting here like it's part of your master plan.
Chris: I'm sensing some real issues here.
Phoebe: Oh, you're damn right there are issues. You can't just pop in from the future and play with people's lives because your big brother picked on you.
Chris: He picked on the world, Phoebe.
Phoebe: I'm not finished. Your parents were happy until you split them up. And now you want my help because you didn't think this all the way through?
Chris: Feel better?
Phoebe: Yes.
Chris: Will you help me?
Phoebe: No. Oh, I don't know.

