Freaky Phoebe

This episode is so funny, but also so dumb. How can't Piper get that it's not Phoebe?? She acts nothing like herself and make decitions the real Phoebe would never do. They've been posessed a lot, so I would think she would recognize it pretty fast by now. She acted just as dense at she did in The Importance of Being Phoebe too


Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they always act like that when one of them is possessed? They tend to not realize they're acting wrong and when they do realize it, they still sort of go with the flow until they know for sure. I remember Piper acting completely out of character back with the reunion episode because she was possessed and it took Prue/Phoebe/Leo practically the whole episode to figure it out despite Piper never being the one to dance on the bar clad in leather.


Well you are partially right for sure! I'm naming this episode in particularly, and The Importance og being Phoebe. After 4-7 years of being witches they should have spotted this immediately. In Coyote Piper, Leo realized after a minute just by Piper's kissing. By the time she started dancing on the bar they knew already. I tend to forgive in the early episodes because it had not happened that much to them, but after a while it just got ridiulous when they acted so out of character


Piper danced on the bar in leather AFTER Prue discovered she was possessed.

Babies kill TV shows!


You're unbelievable OH!!!


Babies kill TV shows!


That's one thing Piper could never figure out. When a sister is possessed. Someone else has to always explain it to her. Like one of her sisters. This happened in Freaky Phoebe, importance of being Phoebe, Used Karma, Repo Manor. Even to the extent in repo manor Piper gets punched out by fake Phoebe in the attic, ends up in the doll house with real Phoebe and Paige and is still going at it with real Phoebe saying that she punched her. Still couldn't figure it out. The demons in this episode knew they couldn't fool Paige and Phoebe so they had to take them out swiftly and quickly and replace them but know Piper would never suspect



Another Dumb thing that made me laugh in this episode was the demon lantos working for lmara. He wanted to go after paige instead of phoebe saying she was less intuitive and more predictable. That made me laugh as he obviously had no idea who Paige was.

By the way what's up with demons attacking phoebe in the elevator at her work? They did it here and also in Repo Manor


By the way what's up with demons attacking phoebe in the elevator at her work? They did it here and also in Repo Manor

Season 8 was done so cheaply it wouldn't surprise me if it was re-used footage in each episode. Lmao.

Also, wasn't Phoebe kidnapped from an elevator when she was swapped with a Shapeshifter in The Importance of Being Phoebe? Lol.

Babies kill TV shows!


Yes. That was the season 8 incident. The demon snuck up behind her in the elevator and somehow was able to render her unconscious with the wave of his hand then swap her out with fake Phoebe that Piper couldn't figure out.


No. I meant. Didn't the same thing happen in season 5's "The Importance of Being Phoebe" too?

Babies kill TV shows!


Actually it seemed like it but was a bit different. This was when Coles right hand demon Dex mistook her for Kaia and then he had to kidnap her to Coles apartment. Phoebe was about to use the elevator after she stormed out of Coles office angry but took the stairs instead because the elevator was taking too long. It was as she was exiting the stairs on the bottom floor that she was attacked and at the same time Kaia was exiting the elevators and the demon realized he made a mistake. It all happened around the elevators though so close enough. That was a funny scene though

[Cut to the lobby. Dex is waiting by the elevators. Phoebe walks past him and he grabs her.]

Dex: Hey! What did I tell you? Cole has some serious work to do and I will not have you distracting him.
Phoebe: Cole... What the hell? Who are you?
Dex: Get it through your thick head. The leader of the Underworld will never have a whore as his queen.
Phoebe: Did you just call me a whore?
(Kaia walks out of the elevators.)
Dex: Kaia?
(Dex shimmers out with Phoebe.)


Well, like Leo said. Piper couldn't see through possessed Phoebe because she was doing what real Phoebe usually does: hunting/killing demons. She also touched the Book of Shadows and it didn't react to evil. Also, Piper DO feel/sense something is off about this Phoebe, she just couldn't tell what it is. However, she was smart enough to figure it was about soul-swapper whole episode. No problems for me here. Terrific episode by the way.

You can't cheat Dheath, unless you're not Sidney, Gale and Dewey... :)
