The Avatars

When Leo first met the Avatars in his vision quest 7x07 "Someone to Witch Over Me" he seemed to not know who the Avatars were until they explained themselves. He was once an Elder and all the Elders knew about them and so did high level demons?

When Leo revealed himself to piper and her sisters why didn't Leo just tell the sisters he had no choice that he joined the new power (Avatars) in order to get the powers to save them and without it they would have died. Then claim he never asked for it. That way let the sisters take it up with the Avatars. Instead of coming out hard core saying hes an avatar and looking all guilty.

Did anyone notice in 7x09 "There's something About Leo" that phoebe hit an energy ball thrown at them with a baseball bat and actually bounced it back to the demon. How was that possible? Shouldn't the bat have exploded?


When Leo revealed himself to piper and her sisters why didn't Leo just tell the sisters he had no choice that he joined the new power (Avatars) in order to get the powers to save them and without it they would have died. Then claim he never asked for it. That way let the sisters take it up with the Avatars. Instead of coming out hard core saying hes an avatar and looking all guilty.

Hadn't Leo been converted to their "cause" by this point?

Babies kill TV shows!


I meant right after he healed Piper and Phoebe when he was just given his powers and then ran downstairs to heal them. He hadn't been told by the Avatars to not share any information at that time


He probably knew they'd freak out as the Avatars were still the looming threat that Kyle made them out to be. At this point Leo was convinced of their cause so wouldn't have wanted to do anything to threaten it I suppose. Possibly.

Babies kill TV shows!


Also when Kira showed phoebe her vision of Utopia, the vision of her death she and Phoebe got wasn't the exact vision of how she died. Phoebe saw Kira die in the underworld at Zankou's hand but Kira died in the attic. Why would the Seer get a wrong vision of her death and not how it would happen in the Attic so they could protect her? Thought Phoebe would have picked up on that after Kira's death that something was wrong with the premonition she got and want to figure out why she saw a different vision of Kira's death. My only thought is maybe Zankou sent that vision to kira to throw her off to think she was safe if she remained in the manor. Sorry I'm rambling. Just watched 7x10 Witchness Protection


Isn't that to do with the future changing because of the vision.

Much like how when Phoebe got visions of Miles dying in certain situations in 'A Witch in Time', she then prevented it and caused him to die another way entirely.

Babies kill TV shows!


