MovieChat Forums > Charmed (1998) Discussion > Phoebe loosing her powers

Phoebe loosing her powers

I know why they took away her powers in real life, and I guess the reason for it in the show was good enough. She did become extremely self involved and only cared about finding a guy and getting pregnant, but I don't get why she only earned her premonition power back! Ironically, her premonition power were the only one brought up as an example of a power she misused, by forcing them. I know the levitation power was cut due to dangerous stunts and budget cuts, but why didn't she get her empathy power back? It suited her, and I loved it when she could control it and managed to control other people's powers. So cool to see Phoebe finally having that kind of active power. The special effects with that couldn't have cost more than everything else they did with other character's powers?


She earned all of her powers back. They just didn't show her levitating anymore.

Much like in season 8 we only see her have like 2 premonitions in the whole season.

Babies kill TV shows!


She never got her empathy back after S6? Are you talking about in the future?


She got all of her powers back. They just didn't bother using them in the show anymore.

Babies kill TV shows!


She only regains her premonitions. The two other are regained in what are considered season 9 and 10.


The comic books are not canon to the television show.

She regained all of her powers back. They just only made use of premonitions, and even that was on very rare occasions.

Babies kill TV shows!


She never regained empathy nor does she regain she levitation. She also had been warned that they would not give her her powers back in totality if ever.

The comics are the official sequel.


The comics are the official sequel.

No. They're not.

Babies kill TV shows!


You may not accept them but they have the official licence which shows otherwise.


They're not official sequels though?

Even the comics themselves wouldn't claim to be. Even Buffy's comics aren't canon to its TV show.

Babies kill TV shows!


Comics aren't cannon even though they claim to be seasons 9 and 10. But on the other topic phoebe earned back her powers through her selfless act to putting her life in harms way in order to save innocents even though she knew perfectly well she was at the top of deaths list 7x05 Styx Feet Under. Her not immediately having her levitation and empathy was more due to her screwed up mental state. They still came available to her whenever it was needed most.

This was one of the episodes where we are reminded of how smart Phoebe could be if she put her mind to it. If not for all her other distractions she would have been a more powerful witch than she seemed to portray in the last seasons.


Even though we only see premonitions being restored in Styx feet Under 7x05, there are evidences throughout the later episodes that she may have gotten back some level of her empathy in minute quantities to some extent, even though its not specifically mentioned. In Charmed Noir phoebe got some level of empathy and was feeling good about it and kept playing Cupid with everyone, annoying everyone in the process. She was finishing pipers sentences, not letting her get an emotion in, and trying to fix her and Leo. Then there was Season 8 in 12 Angry Zen. If you watch that episode again you'll notice when Piper came to phoebes apartment to give her the staff. Even though she got hit with its powers point blank It didn't really affect her much like it did excessively with Piper and Paige, she got hit with it the first time, nothing really happened then when she held the staff it tried to affect her again but it got projected off of her and onto her guests, infecting them with her emotions to party hard. Because of her empathy.

What I think really happened is that phoebes powers got way out of balance again just like in Season 5 "The Eyes Have It" when she visited the gypsy Madam Theresa. Phoebe concentrating on work, and finding love and a baby once again was messing with her powers. And it got worse when she felt the time for her baby had come and gone. Mixed with the trauma of loosing it to the counsel in season 6. She even vocally mentioned to piper in Season 8 that she lost faith in them and went on strike totally on using them. The same negative energy Madam Theresa sensed and tried to unblock was the same thing that Coop worked on trying to do in Season 8. You find out that anytime she came in contact with something magical it was boosting the powers within her so they were there. The Staff in 12 angry Zen. Power boost in Hulkus Pocus etc.
