Kristin Davis acting...

Usually considered the weakest of the 4 main actresses and the only one to not win an individual Golden globe (I think, trivia might be wrong).

After re watching the series for like the 15th time it hit me and I can't believe it took me this long to see it and even worse, that for years I considered her a *beep* actress. She's great at drama but terrible, TERRIBLE at comedy. Her acting during dramatic moments or as a supporter player during tough scenes is so understated and perfect, she can also cry on clue, but when it comes to her "funny" scenes most of the time she misses it and she comes acrosss as overacted (this is even worse in the later seasons with Harry and the dogs etc). Such a shame she never got the credit she deserved. I don't wanna say she was miscast because I can't imagine any other actress playing Charlotte, but maybe they could've given her storylines more suited to her talent and leave the funnies for Samantha.

Previously known as college dropout kid.


Can you give some examples of when you didn't find her funny? Not sure what you mean by just saying "Harry and the dogs."

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Probably the scene where she's scrubbing the tub with pearls on
