Matt finally loses

His competitors were fast on the buzzer and kept him away from the three Daily Doubles. And he got some answers (questions) wrong, including Final Jeopardy.

Not a good outing for Matt, but he had a great run. Congratulations!


I had to help a buddy out last night so I didn't see the show. My wife said he just seemed "off". Considering that both other contestants were ahead of him going into final Jeopardy, it would seem that he may have been distracted or something.

In any case, I commented here some weeks ago that I noticed that he would seem to go numb for a five or six question run during most shows when he didn't answer questions that would seem to be in his wheelhouse.

Maybe this was a 30 minute loss of concentration.


I can't stay away from the Internet conspiracies on this! Many are saying he got burned out and threw the game on purpose. I don't remember any of the questions he missed during the game, but on FINAL JEOPARDY, most are saying that based on his past history of being a Geography Whiz, he should've known the Alps were not in Poland.

But there is speculation that this show could've been at the end of two long days of taping (they tape five shows a day for two days), and that he was just off, and lacking focus.


This answers my question.


Maybe he wanted people to think he intentionally lost. Maybe he did his best up to the end and knew the other two would know the answer and decided to give a wrong answer because it was all hopeless.
