MovieChat Forums > Rules of Engagement (2000) Discussion > Shows just how entrenched racism is in t...

Shows just how entrenched racism is in the US.

For a film like this to get made, it must have gone through a lot of hands. Yet it got made. How did such a racist film ever get made ?

TO put it in perspective, just change their nationalities. Make the Americans - Germans, and the Yemenis - Jews. Set it in 1942, and see how far it would get the writer then.


If, in a time of peace, Jewish protestors were firing at and throwing grenades at a German embassy and killed several German soldiers who were sent on a rescue mission for diplomatic staff and the Germans opened up and wasted said protestors I would concur 100% with those German soldiers.


Sure, racist. Especially if it had been set in somewhere like Benghazi where this would never happen in the real world.

Posts like this remind me there is no limits to the depths of delusion which humanity will not sink to to justify their unrealistic viewpoints of the world. And how dangerous it is to listen to such delusional fools since they inevitably lead people into self-destruction for their imaginary ideals.


I don't think that I am the one who has a problem with reality. Pot, meet kettle.


You're a Fool
