
My God is she a great character!! She is the best example of a character I love to hate. I love her endless hilarious fights with Eric and sometimes Hyde, and manipulation of Kelso. Some of the best episodes of the show are due to her in it. I didn't hate the new actress portraying her in season 6, but she was far away from the same level. not to mention Laure would only be about 21-22 at that time if you follow the show's timeline, and you can tell she is way older. Original actress was older too, but played younger pretty well. Too bad the original actress had a severe drug problem, because she was good. And funny.


1st Laurie was my favorite character! She was the most authentic looking too, in my opinion. She was bitchy, funny, snarky and perfect in the role.


And she's one of those characters you just love to hate haha. A huge shame about her real life problems that lead to her disappearing from the show...


The real question for me is would I be able to hold up enough through the evil to hook up with her?

Yes!! For BOTH Laurie and Lisa Robin Kelly. (When she was still alive of course)

Looks like some fun there!


After 8 years we finally have a LEADER!!!!


She was never going to be a big star, but she had a pretty solid career (one that most struggling actors would kill for), before she fucked it up with drugs.

She was employed pretty steadily in the mid-'90s, doing episodic work/t.v. movies, prior to landing the role of Laurie, on T7S. Things went south middle of 3rd season. When she was a no-show at the studio one day (a tape day), and didn't respond to phone calls, a couple of producers went to her house, where they found her completely wasted.

They immediately took her to an in-patient treatment center, which the show paid for. They shot around Laurie's scenes that night -- she was prominently featured in the b-plot -- explaining to the studio audience that LRK had the flu. Those scenes (which took place in a bar with guest actors & many extras) were re-written over the weekend, and filmed the following week....and Laurie was written out of the next several episodes.

When LRK completed rehab program, and was ready to return to work, she was warned that she had to stay clean, no second chances. She assured the producers that she was clean, ready-to-work, and would be a model citizen. And then, on her first day back...she was a no-show for the table read, and promptly fired. Laurie disappeared for the next two seasons living in Chicago, going to beauty school (or something like that).

They brought Laurie/LRK back for the Thanksgiving episode of Season 5. It went well, LRK was sober, and so they brought her back the last few episodes of S5, with a major story-arc that would carry into a 13-episode commitment for Season 6. (In S5 finale Laurie married Fez, who was facing deportation, prompting Red to have a heart attack).


And then.... *something* happened the week they shot the first episode of Season 6. That episode was originally filmed with LRK, in front of a live audience. I was in the audience, and there was an obvious chill/tension on set. No one in the cast would speak to LRK off-camera, or even look at her, except Debra Jo Rupp. Wilder Valderrama (normally a very easy-going guy) was very obviously agitated & annoyed with her, during their scenes, storming around the set. When he would look at her, while setting up another take, it was with contempt.

She didn't appear to be stoned (her drug problem was public at this point). She flubbed a line or two, but it was minor -- I'd seen a lot worse from others in the cast, at other times. But she was obviously persona non-grata that night, for whatever reason. I guess she fell off the wagon/failed a drug test??? The role was recast in a matter or days, with Christina Moore, and all of Laurie's scenes in episode 6.1 were re-shot. The official story (from FOX/producers/LRK's agent) was that it was a mutual decision, because LRK wanted to pursue other things. Bullshit.

LRK never worked again (except two short-film credits), became a meth-head, and died in rehab at the age of 43.

She was funny as hell, as Laurie! If she had stayed sober, she probably would have remained on T7S, its last two seasons, in some capacity (Moore was a dud in the role; appeared in six episodes, and then Laurie disappeared forever)....and would have continued to get episodic work.


reply 563 03/25/2015


Yeah Lisa Robin Kelly was the best Laurie. Evil dishonest and slept around.

The second one was just goofy---came across as 'nice underneath' which IS NOT right for Laurie.

If Lisa Robin Kelly had stayed sober, I bet she even could have gotten her very own spin off for Laurie. That would have been delicious to watch.

Her exploits should have been the central focus of a spin off instead of trying to make that 80's show. I have to admit, I would have tuned in.

What a wasted opportunity!!
