MovieChat Forums > That '70s Show (1998) Discussion > Was the age to buy beer in the 70's

Was the age to buy beer in the 70's

really 18? Just asking because in that one episode we learn Kelso failed kindergarten or first grade or whatever and he had to repeat it. I think he had to repeat it. We find out he's not really the age he is and that he's 18 and Hyde goes on about how Kekso coulda been buying them beer. In real life and not TV land, you have to be 21 to buy beer.

I'm a slow dying flower


It differed from state to state.

When the draft-age was lowered from 21 to 18 in 1967 by President Johnson, and then the voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 by the 26th amendment in 1971 (so these young draftees could now vote for the president who was sending them to war) most states followed by lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18 as well.

It also varied from state to state the kind of alcohol you could buy at 18. Some limited it to beer and wine. Others allowed full liquor purchase.

Once President Nixon ended the draft in 1973 (yes, I know there is still a Selective Service System in existence, but no active draft) slowly, the states began raising the drinking age again. But during most of the 1970's yes the drinking age was 18 in many states.


Yeah, it was state-to-state. My older sisters used to go to Idaho to get beer (we lived in Washington).
If I remember correctly: the government made the states change it to 21 by withholding all money, like for interstate highways and such.

Or my isn't name...


In Tennessee it was 18 until 1979, then 19 until 1984. The threat to withold money had an Oct. 1986 deadline.

Wisconsin's drinking history is complicated enough that I'll just post a link. Scroll down for Wisconsin and your state.


It really was 18 in Wisconsin for beer and wine. It was 19 for beer and wine in Illinois until 1/1/80, when it was raised to 21.


What you doing over here? 

I'm a slow dying flower


You're supposed to be on the everyonelovesraymond board.


Ohhh, I get it. We are playing follow the leader. 

I'm a slow dying flower


You're a stalker. You're not supposed to click on peoples profiles. 


Buuttt, just did!

I'm a slow dying flower


It was cheetah.


I'm a slow dying flower
