Best TV parents

Red and Kitty must be one of the best tv parents I can think of. They were hilarious, and just as important characters to me as the teens. Usually, parents are more supportive characters in shows about and targeted towards teenagers and young adults, but in That 70s Show I loved them and their storylines, also the ones with Bob and Midge lol.


How come Red got on Eric's case about his first job and than Red himself gets a job at his friends store and Red can't even make it there?

I'm a slow dying flower


What does that have to do with what I wrote? That's one instance over 8 years lol


You said best TV parents. Good TV parents aren't hypocrites.

I'm a slow dying flower


You must be really easy to get along with


I coulda made my own thread, but I saw you wrote best TV parents and my thoughts kinda fit under your thread a little bit. Be happy you got replies, man.

I'm a slow dying flower


He doesn't want Eric to work so he can focus on school. He doesn't last at Bob's store because he was only a holiday hire. *beep*


Umm, he couldn't even sell those customers a refrigerator or a blender. He gave Eric all kinds a crap about can Eric actually work.

I'm a slow dying flower
