
I always only watch the first 6 seasons (and a little bit of season 7) and pretend like the rest of season 7 and season 8 don't even exist and that Hyde and Jackie end up together. There was so much build up for this relationship, so much character growth, and then the new producers came in and just threw it all away like it never even happened and made the most ridicilous ending ever. So I don't even aknowledge the last two season....I know that if the old producers stayed, Jackie and Hyde would probably get married in the end, so I just live in my own little bubble where I pretend they did hahah :)




*beep* yeah haha I agree


Jackie and Hyde had a regular chemistry and then they had the 2 souls finding each other chemistry, and then they had a real physical chemistry, where they looked like they might actually be having sex. And enjoying it! Where as with Jackie and Kelso, I just wasn't buying it, (ironically enough). They just seemed too young and immature, (in an uncomfortable way), he was too tall and she was too short, (like a grownup and a child), so he kind of came across as predatory, but then she seemed too smart to his too dumb, (in a riding the short bus kind of way), so SHE kind of came across as predatory. And I refuse to even consider Jackie with Fez. Too depressing.


Danny Masterson has sounded off on how he thinks Hyde and Jackie should have ended up together. I agree. She and Fez made absolutely no sense. Neither did any of the Hyde and the stripper stuff. Jackie and Hyde were clearly the right way to go.
