MovieChat Forums > That '70s Show (1998) Discussion > least favourite character?

least favourite character?

I wanted to ask here, who is your least favorite character on the show main or otherwise? also please don't say randy because that's too obvious and overdone

feel better everyone and everything


Fez, just because the way he was written. He should have been the way they started: just Fez observing how strange American culture and language is ("if you hate the fuzz on your ass, why don't you just shave it?"). But they turned him into a dork, for some reason. At MY school, the foreign exchange students were always popular.

Ironically, he'd grown so fat only work-out pants would fit him.


Yea Fez just a all around annoying character. The not knowing were he was from or his real name story line was tired and worn out and I was just tired of it. He voice (accent) changed and it seems no matter the time of day or night he could be found at the Foreman's house. Really, where were his exchange host? (I think we saw them in one episode)

Fez could have been deported and I wouldn't have missed him at all. While I like Tommy Chong his character roll of running a chain of Photo Huts was just implausible and the stoner roll he's been in since the real 70's is just tiring. He's funny and had some funny bits on the show but the roll was really not needed.

Spoiler alert if you are one of the two people that haven't seen the show.

Did not like Red's mother much either, didn't miss her when she died as she was a mean just to be mean.


Can't stand Fez or Kitty!!

"Madness in great ones must not unwatched go."


Samantha Hyde. Not only was she the final blow to the Hyde-Jackie relationship but she was a feather-headed, wooden, waste of space. Every time she spoke, it was like nails on a blackboard.




Michael by far. Kutcher couldnt' act then and still can't


I agree he cannot act. All of his characters remind me of Kelso.

Randy was my least favorite character if season eight even counts.


Donna all the way. The character wouldn't have been so bad though if Laura Prepon could act.


I'm going to have to say Midge. I don't care physically hot she was, that voice and all around airheadedness was a total turn off for me. She was like nails on a chalkboard to me.

"Hogs have futures, I don't."
Dr. Johnny Fever


Fez, of the main characters. So one-dimensional. And not intentionally so, as was the case with Jackie.


I may be in the minority, but I'm going with Red. He seemed like a bully. Not just to Eric but to virtually everyone except his daughter. Plus that exasperated, annoyed, "my patience has run out" manner about him he had going all the time. ALL the time. I did love that ep when Bob stood up to him (even though Bob ruined it by crying), and I think Bob's girlfriend stood up to him once too. Supposedly there's an ep when Eric stood up to Red over his treatment of Kitty but I don't remember that.


When Eric stood up to Red was when Kitty thought she was pregnant, and Red was pissed off about it. Eric went to Red and said Kitty was scared, and Red said that kids made him bald. So Eric told him to buy a hat and to be a man. It was a pretty great moment, Red knew Eric was right


Thanks. Oddly, I remember that ep (Kitty thought she was pregnant but was really going through menopause) but I don't remember Eric standing up to Red. But now that I know which ep it is I'll be sure to look for it and watch it again. And thanks again.
