MovieChat Forums > That '70s Show (1998) Discussion > How much could Red's retirement check co...

How much could Red's retirement check could of been?

I mean he had to take out a loan for the shop. Doesnt seem like he really could of gotten enough to retire on.


The last I saw was Red wearing a Chief's uniform (BBQ episode) which indicated a number of years in the service (BOTH WWII and Korea) so his retirement would have been enough to hold him over during the rough times after the loss of his warehouse job. Not enough to open a new store because he was feeding the entire neighborhood worth of kids. It was the '70's though so even under Carter the times weren't as bad as they are now.

I am a retired Chief and I was doing pretty good until about 8 years ago but now I am getting hammered this day and age. That's what happens when Communism pokes it's ugly nose under the tent.

The part that I just can't understand is that 1/2 the voters in the country wants to carry on with it even more. 😱


If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only 245 more days left!


I feel for you. I looked up military retirement and wow. It just hasnt kept up with the times. 20 years earns you what an Ok entry level career.


Also would he have gotten any military pension? I mean if he was drafted for both or even volunteered. He would have served 4-5 years in WWII and another 3-4 years in Korea. Not exactly a ton of time. I guess he could have stayed in the entire time and never been discharged.


Some things were much worse under Carter. Interest rates were around 16-21% during Carter's infamous inflation years. It was great if you had savings, but was horrible if you had loans. I had a $500 CD that had 18.5% interest and I got a pretty hefty quarterly check from it. However, my brother was a carpenter building houses and was absolutely hammered (pun intended) by high interest rates, as was everyone that had to use credit.


how long does an ex soldier gets his retirement?

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


You collect until you go on Social Security (the age range TBD) then your retirement expires. So Red would have been pulling in a little something.
It certainly wouldn't have been enough to raise a family on it's own. He DID need to work.


If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only 86 more days left!


It's said he spends Eric's college money on the muffler shop.
