MovieChat Forums > That '70s Show (1998) Discussion > Jackie was kind of a hoe...

Jackie was kind of a hoe...

She just kinda skipped through the group till she finally had nowhere else to go but with fez, and he's weak enough to take her even tho he's friends have been plowing that for years and years. I think this show is great but jackie just bugged me by the end.



I admit Jackie did seem annoying but it's because she's a spoiled rich girl who always likes having things her way. Her parents obviously didn't discipline her. I have met a girl like Jackie before.

Green Goblin is great!


Wow. Three boyfriends in seven years? What a shocker.



Was with Kelso for around 3 years. Hyde I think one and a half and 8 years after after the start with Fez. And ya know what. They never had any chemistry.

As everyone has stated...the show should have ended with Jackie and Hyde back together.

I wrote a better ending for the show but then again I always like happy endings.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


no, no you´re not an idiot at all.
So Jackie is a "hoe" but Kelso and Hyde are fine?
Double standards much?
She was in committed relationships, I think you do not know what a "hoe" is.

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


I don't think you know what sarcasm is. I'm just saying that she made her way around the group. She should've hooked red up with a blow job somewhere along the line. That's the least she could've done. He was always really nice to her. And as far as the double standard thing is concerned.....if a key can open a bunch of different locks,then that's an amazing key, but if a lock can be opened by a bunch of different keys, then that's a really sh***y lock. Lol


sarcasm is a very poor choice when it comes to literary devices. More importantly, too many people try to cover up their stupid remakrs by claiming it was sarcasm.

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.
