MovieChat Forums > That '70s Show (1998) Discussion > Everything wrong with Laurie

Everything wrong with Laurie

If Laurie hated Eric so much, why couldn’t she just admit it to him instead of making his like miserable? And to anybody who likes Laurie, why do you like her? She was horrible.
If DJ Tanner, Laura Winslow, Denise Huxtable, and Kimberly Drummond saw Laurie’s treatment of Eric, they would all shake their heads in disgust.

Something that ruined That 70s show for me is the way Laurie treated Eric. They played it off as funny, but I never found it funny. She was emotionally abusive. To anyone who finds bullying funny, try being in Eric’s shoes. You don’t know what it’s like to have a sister who tears you down to the point where you don’t have any self esteem left.
I wish they had given Eric two older siblings that stuck up for him whenever Laurie hurt him. How anyone likes Laurie, idk. And the way she treated him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he kicks her out of his life.
For people who are going to be rude to be, I love that 70s Show, but there are plenty of things that wouldn’t fly in today’s time.


it's the 'dichotomy' of looking like an 'Angel' (including with the Farrah hair) while being seriously flawed If Laurie were sweet and nice and actually 'perfect' it would not be funny. And also her 'daddy' chooses to ignore how she actually behaves while her mom is a sharp cookie. Okay both my parents disliked me and my mom doted on my brother. But parents do emotionally abuse kids. A show openly admitting this however fictious IS funny.

Kimberly Drummond?? really?? because despite her being rich and therefore easily being able to afford either a bus or a cab (both of which were licensed, and were background checked even back then with what was available), she STILL voluntarily hitchhiked and was kidnapped by a stranger.

She only got rescued bc her stepbrother managed to escape and eventually remembered the address of that kidnapper. If he hadn't done both, she'd be a goner. Oh, and that was the era when VERY few people if any had cell phones of any size including rich kids, so she had no way of calling anybody for immediate help. The cell phones which did exist at that time had to be carried in a backpack/brief case, plugged in and certainly did not have tracking devices. Different Strokes wasn't funny...


There was more than one girl I recall that was a lot like Laurie growing up during the 1970's. The character on the show and this woman were horrible and the one in real life is horrible right into the present. I blame television and both parents not around as much as they needed to be. Good observations OP. Norman Lear comedies back then were no help with the obvious put down humor they contained. If humanity survives the next 100 years it no doubt would be an observation as to the decline of the US.


Actually, what I think is that Laurie didn't really hate Eric and they just had a case of sibling rivalry.
It is clear that she felt sorry for him when he accidentally saw their parents having sex.
Also, Eric managed to put Larie down a lot too and even revealed that she was born with a tail.
And he always was their mother's favorite, so I don't feel too sorry for him...
