We Need A Pre-quel

The first movie was excellent and the second ok. The third was so bad that I think a prequel or sequel is desperately needed.
NO remake! It would be a joke compared to the original (like most remakes are).
I would like more details from the beginning, what type of relationship Daniel had before the sadistic lynching with bees.

(my bumper sticker)


I love Candyman as well, but I think now that it's been so long it's a little late for a sequel and a prequel isn't needed.

I agree that it sucks the franchise was left the way it was, but we always have the original to go back to, and I also really enjoy Farewell to the Flesh. I can't really think of much more they could do with the material. We already know all about his life before he was lynched, and seeing it wouldn't make for a very compelling horror film.

Tony Todd has obviously aged quite a bit since the 90's so it would be awkward to see him playing what is supposed to be an immortal character. I think the original two are great horror films that we can always go back to when we're in the mood for some Candyman. He was a great villain and I'm actually kind of glad we weren't overexposed to him.


True, Tony Todd has aged... in "Curse Of Chucky" they made Brad Dourif look like he did in 1988 for flashback scenes and did very well... Although Dourif said it did take a long time in makeup to get him to look 20+ years younger.
