lord of the rings is garbage compared to harry potter

This is the truth. Harry potter is more complex. Lotr is a ripoff of skyrim and thats making you LOTR-TARDS angry and butthurt. U MAD? that you favorite movie is garbage?



He's been on a tear today. He's been on the Captain America and Batman v Superman boards, trying to look like a tough guy saying Marvel movies are better than DC movies and Fox movies are better than Marvel or DC movies or whatever gets him attention. The sad part is, he gets attention which is mainly people telling him what an idiot he is so he deletes his threads and then whines that people reported him and moderators are out to get him. too bad for him we have screen prints showing those threads were "deleted by the poster".

Also, fun facts about the OP:

1) Supports Hitler
2) Supports terrorists
3) Lied about having served in the Israeli Defense Force.
4) Racist
5) Xenophobic
6) Is on his third ID (the other two being banned for the reasons above)

This thread will no doubt be deleted in the next couple of hours, so you know....watch this space and see it happen.



LMAO Harry Potter is garbage written by a Libtard. Harry Potter is about as gomer as you can get, I've never seen lamer fans then Harry Pottard fans. Was Skyrim written in the 30's? Lol what a lame turd, you can tell he's a Marvel fanboy with his Thanos pic. They have some serious problems.


I don't know what I find more hilarious. The original post or the reactions of people who think the original poster was serious.


Re-reading the posts, I don't think anyone took the OP seriously.

"Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved." - T. Isabella
