The orcs were horrible fighters

They may have been ugly and scary, but the orcs must have been the worst combattants ever seen on Middle Earth; they fell like flies in battle. Not even against the hobbits were they able to put up a decent fight.


Orcs/goblins tend to make up in numbers and savagery what they lack in skill where battle is concerned.

"Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved." - T. Isabella


This is my theory about orcs: They didn't get much training, they were shoved into battle to learn on the job, as it were.

The ones who survived made VERY good fighters, and nobody cared about the ones who didn't survive. Everyone who used orcs, from their own chieftains to the Dark Lord, was perfectly fine with losing a lot of the poor fighters, they'd probably take out some enemies before the bit it and then they wouldn't have to be fed.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


What was their motivation? Did they all get participation trophies from Sauron? Or did they just get worthless Pogo points for each kill?

The movies never answer that one. They have to fight FOR something: love, glory, riches, an infinite supply of orc porn on youtube?

Yeah, the hobbits were way to good at fighting, and the orcs were way to bad. Should have put in more "red shirts" to kill off to keep the tension, since we already know none of the main characters were going down.

And why does no one poop? or pee?

We see lots of eating and drinking, but no evacuation. Eating is no different than pooping, and is not intrinsically more desirable to watch. Both activities are equal procedures for bodily function. What does orc poop look like? We know what orc blood looks like.


THe books imply that they are motivated by fear, as Sauron was keen on using torture as a motivational force. Also, they were born with an inborn hatred of all living things, so it was their nature to fight.

Surrender Dorothy!


They got some good moments at the Helms Deep siege, the Uruk Hai kicked some ass. But you're right.

Legolas should of taken a few hefty blows and got a sore face now and again instead of being on "god mode"

No more dead Lannisters
No More dead Trolls


I feel like they should definitely have felt like more of a threat at Pellenor.
