Who is mightier, Galadriel or Celeborn?

You don't even hear much about Celeborn. But Galadriel was tempted by the ring (and thinking about it, I don't think it was quite accident that it was Galadriel and not Celeborn in that moment) She came back from Valinor in the first age, and was the kin of Feanor. She did a lot of junk, and Celeborn just kinda seems to hang out with her. I'm sure he's no slouch, but Galadriel seems like the more powerful person.


Probably Galadriel. She was Noldo, a bearer of one of the Three Rings, and brought down the walls of Dol Guldur. Celeborn married well.

"Hell hath no fury like that of the uninvolved." - T. Isabella


agree with O-s.


Me too. Even without her ring, Glads had dwelt in the undying lands, which seems to have given resident elves certain powers or aspects, and was related to or taught by all the most powerful, godlike elf-lords of Valinor, if not the Valar themselves.

Celeborn may have been taught by Melian of the Valar, queen of Doriath, but then he may not. We don't know of him manifesting magical or mystical powers.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


We don't know of him manifesting magical or mystical powers.

In fact he doesn't even seem to manifest emotion, interest, empathy, or any other sort of character traits. Personally I don't know what Galadriel sees in that guy, he seems like a stoner to me. Do they grow Old Toby in Lothlorien?

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