MovieChat Forums > The Best Man (1999) Discussion > Book made it CLEAR AS DAY!! What a joke!

Book made it CLEAR AS DAY!! What a joke!

I like all the actors in this, but good god - was is that hard to relize? For one Nia Long acted like finding out was discovering electricity! WTF?? Was clear as day! Point in Fact, Morris relized it after drinking all night and sittign on the *beep* Yet Nia, i very intelligent person, doesnt even relize it till they are shopping? Huh????? He didnt even hide it! Changing the names, made it unclear? Are you kidding me. And let me get this straight - he didnt think Morris would read the book THAT WAS MOSLTLY ABOUT HIM!! Or so he thought. Hmmm? Ya your best frind isnt gonna read his book? YA OK! Whether he read before or after the wedding. He would have relized. CAUSE THE BOOK MADE IT CLEAR AS DAY! Who ever wrote this slop, could have made the book a little more "unlcear". Cause that part flat out ruined the movie! Witch baffles me that such a bad script could get that many good actors and actresses. Cause it wasnt them. BAD WRITING! So when each one read the script - no one said "are you kidding me?" What a joke. I know gotta work, but might wanna tell the writer he or she is moron.


Sometimes people aren't quick to notice things.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


Yeah it makes the character, Harper look like an uncreative and unoriginal bonehead of a writer. He aired his dirty laundry and didn't even try to cover his tracks better. It's like he (if he were a real person) must have wanted to get caught.


Um, let's see... A book about great friends who are obviously modeled after his real life great friends as well as himself. The character modeled after himself sleeps with girl who was always a good friend, but wait, everyone knows he didn't sleep with her in real life. So that means, he must have slept with other girl who was the lady of his best guy friend, because he kisses her on the forehead in the book.

I disagree, I didn't think it was clear as day at all how one would arrive at that conclusion. Each time a different character in the movie read his book and figured it out, just didn't work for me. But hey, just my two cents, and also that of most friends I've discussed it with.

