What Should I Watch First (Correct Timeline Help Needed)


I'm new to the evangelion.

I don't want to watch the series, only the movies.

I've watched Evangelion 1.0 and was blown away so went back to see if there were any more movies.

I see there is two:

The End Of Evangelion - and - Evangelion: Death And Rebirth

Which of these movies should I watch first?

I don't know the timeline, they both were released in the same year so that does not help either.

Thanks for any help.


Well if you don't want to watch the series then you shouldn't really watch any of the movies except for the Rebuild of Evangelion movies. Anyway The End Of Evangelion is the new last 2 episodes of the series and Death And Rebirth is the re-cap of the whole series (which is obviously highly condensed). I doubt that watching Death And Rebirth will make any sense if you haven't watched the series yet. It's meant to be viewed before watching The End Of Evangelion.

BUT, watching the entire series is highly recommended and it's worth it. IMO it was even better than the Rebuild of Evangelion 1.0.


Thanks for the reply.

I will watch the series!


Oh and one more thing, it's recommended that you skip the last 2 episodes of the series, and watch the End of Evangelion first - which is more like the "real" last 2 episodes of the series - then watch the last 2 episodes of the series. The last 2 episodes of the series is rather cheaply made and it takes in a different direction because of the budget and time constraints. It rather ends abruptly and I think that you will be mildly disappointed and it leaves you a bitter taste in your mouth if you haven't watched the End of Evangelion first.


In case of someone still wondering:
I recently (in between 2012 and 2015) watched the Rebuilds... 1.11, 2.22 and 3.0
Now I finished the Series and the EoE (started in october and finished yesterday), and man, the series is different, the animation isn't as the rebuilds but is very good...
I would say it's better to watch the series... and when finished the rebuilds as 1.0 and most of 2.0 are just the same thing all over, but from the end of 2.0 and 3.0 you get to see more "details" that the series lack...
