
Does anyone know the title of the live action movie about Giant Robot? I can't find it here on IMDB.


I have been trying to figure that out as well. Can't find it anywhere it seems. I remember it as an older black and white film.


I found it. It's called Voyage into Space!


There was a live-action TV series called GIANT ROBO MIKAZUKI - very big budget - that's worth hunting down - it's not on IMDB though


Voyage into space is not a Gaint Robot movie per say. If you have all the Gaint Robot episodes you have seen Voyage Into Space. What Voyage Into space is the enitre Giant Robot series, edited and recut together, to tell the entire story of the series in a two hour movie. As you would imagine most of the episodes were ignored or glossed over. The movie is fine but I prefer watching the series as a whole.


So when SPOILERS the giant robot sacrifices himself, was that at the end of the last episode?


So when SPOILERS the giant robot sacrifices himself, was that at the end of the last episode?



Not sure if that was in the episodes at all but makes a good end to the film. BTW it's available on DVD at

Do a search for Voyage Into Space

That's where I got my copy. I remember they played that every year around Christmas for many years.

Way better than any Godzilla film in my book!

Did you tell LUKE..? Is THAT who you could tell??
