MovieChat Forums > Boys Don't Cry (2000) Discussion > Why to liberals think trannies are unsaf...

Why to liberals think trannies are unsafe in the bathroom...

that aligns with their birth gender??? It's not like a bunch of guys are going to rape another guy just because he chooses to dress like a woman. However if a woman is in the men's room dressed like a man and someone figures it out they may be assaulted.



Why do people think 'trannies' are a threat to society if they use the bathroom of the gender they identify with? or children for that matter? Do you know how many pedophile MEN lurk in public bathrooms and molest unaccompanied little boys, or kidnap them? I guess it doesn't matter, because they have a penis.


I'm a transgender man (female to male) like Brandon Teena. I came out 6 years ago and have been using the men's restroom ever since I came out. The men's restroom is the safest for me and it's actually where I belong. Transpeople belong in the bathroom that matched their gender not their sex. The danger come when I've used the woman's restroom. In there I've been yelled at, harassed and even assaulted yet in the men's restroom I never get so much as a second glance. Especially after I use the urinal. There's no reason you can give that would justify the notion that I'd be safer in the woman's restroom

Cisgender men and transgender men belong in the men's restroom

Cisgender women and transgender women belong in the women's restroom


I'm still wondering why we all can't just be grateful we have a pot to piss in. -_-


I don't understand why our society thinks transgender individuals are dangerous and pose the greatest risk for assault. Boys Don't Cry is proof positive that, more often than not, cisgender males (especially white ones) pose the greatest risk. I'm not saying other groups people don't or can't commit it, but it happens at the hands of white cismen more than any other group. Just look at the rape scene.
