MovieChat Forums > Boys Don't Cry (2000) Discussion > FOR THE REAL LANA TISDALE!


I often wondered if the real Lana ever really stops by and reads this message board. If so, Lana I know this must have been a tragic thing for you to endure, however I think you may have had many years of getting to a point to where you are healing. I have heard that both the movie and book written by Ms. Jones, had alot of inacuracies in them. I wish more than ever you would consider writing your own story, your story. I know that there are many people out there that have read the book, and watched the movie but it would be a wonderful thing to hear your side of the story. I could almost bet that you could make a nice profit on telling your version of the story. It would be something to consider. I hate all the rumors surrounding this story, and would really love to hear from you the Last woman Brandon really, truly loved, which was you Lana!
I hope that time has been kind to you through the years, and brought your heart to a point of peace & serenity. I hope god has blessed your life as well as your childs life.
May God and Universe continue to bring you Joy, Love & Happiness, ~Fran



Yes, true love should be blind...but gimme a break here. Finding out your significant other is actually the opposite sex is a huge shock, and quite frankly, a huge deception. Lana had every right to be angry.

My feet have wings, barf bag.


He lied to her not only about his sex, but about many other things too. Ignorance runs BOTH ways; just because someone is LGBT doesn't mean that they are automatically evil, but just because someone is LGBT doesn't mean they are automatically benevolent either. I believe Brandon Teena was a dangerous individual to be around, and he did put -- not only Lana's life in danger -- but others around him. That is not the act of someone good, but someone selfish.


Actually no, he didn't put anyone's life in danger. Did he ever intend on shooting, brutally raping and stabbing someone to death? No. The real people that were putting Lana's (and everyone else's) life in danger were those damn hicks John Lotter and Tom Nissan. They were the ones to watch out for. Sure, Brandon sprouted a few lies here and there, but it wasn't to hurt anyone, but rather to protect himself from what he feared most - rejection and suffering.


I agree with you to a a special I saw about him, he was stealing money from one of the people nice enough to take him in. Along with money the documentary said he also stole checks from her too. I'm not saying this implies that Brandon was violent, but IMO, stealing from someone kind enough to take you in is hurting that person. What happened to Brandon was horrific...but it seems that people are using what happened as a reason to excuse the various crimes he committed.

My feet have wings, barf bag.


She was a bad person.

X will mark the place
Like the parting of the waves
Like a house falling into the sea


She was a bad person.

No, dannnnyboy was right. The bad people were John Lotter and Tom Nissan. And they still don't have a bit of remorse for what they did.


Everyone in this film was morally/ethically bankrupt IMO; not sure how closely that reflects the actual people (aside from Lotter and Nissen). They were people who had no opportunities and who didn't make great choices in their lives. That said, what Lotter and Nissen did is infinitely worse than Brandon lying about his anatomy. That's not to say it was ethical what Brandon did, but putting that up against a savage rape and murder is ridiculous.


Brandon was NOT dangerous and did not put anyone's life in danger. Leave him the hell alone or else.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


Seriously? How does it make her a bad person to be upset that someone she trusted lied to her about something like that? News flash: gender DOES matter to most people. It doesn't make someone a bad person to only like a certain gender. Also, who said anything about love? Sure, the movie made it seem like they were in love. But it seems like in real life they were just dating.


*beep* YOU LANA!
in real life she broke it off after she found out brandon's realy gender. i realize as an LGBT person, im a bit biased, but if she was REALLy in lveo with him, she would have stayed. LOVE DOESN'T CARE WHAT BETWEEN YOUR LEGS!!!!
What a load of judgmental horse sh!t. You should have said, fucq you Tina, if you really loved Lana, you wouldn't have lied to her like that!

Conform or be cast out


if lana was truly in love with Brandon, she would have been able to stop John and Tom somehow. She let all those things happen to Brandon.

Also, Brandon was wrong for just going after Lana. Fine if you want a straight woman, be up front and tell her what you are from the git go. This is what got her killed.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


It doesn't matter if she was truly in love with him. In real life, she wasn't even there when he was killed. The only people to blame are the men who raped and murdered him and the cop who did nothing to help.


Lissa, you are absolutely right. Lana could have not have stopped this.


Why do people think they were in love, together or separately. They barely knew each other.

Obviously Lana WASN'T in love with the "real" Teena.
And Teena lied to Lana about the fact that she was physically a woman. That's not love.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


"Teena" didnt lied Teena was mentally a male/guy.


Lana's guilty. She broke up with Brandon after finding out the truth and she set Brandon up to be raped.


IS she married right now with a lot of kids?


Married with a daughter.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


Yeah, and she basically looks the same--only older. Like she's lived rough or had a tough life. Same hair and everything.


I second what sunbun says. Very nice thing to say.
