MovieChat Forums > Gladiator (2000) Discussion > Commodus- wannabe warrior

Commodus- wannabe warrior

At the beginning of the film, we see Commodus travelling with his sister in a horse drawn carriage. He is on his way to see his father, but he was chosen not to fight. He arrives on horse, asking if he has missed the battle. Of course, he knows that its all over. Commodus puts on a macho display of sword play, but its all for show. The real soldiers, like Maximus, have already done the fighting. Commodus likes the trappings of being a warrior, but he is not the real deal.


He did actually fight in the Coliseum though. His opponents always surrendered, so he had a perfect record. Romans thought it was undignified for an Emperor to fight in the arena for show when he should be out fighting barbarians for real.
