Travon Martin

This was the last movie Travon Martin ever watched.



people want to paint Trayvon as a saint too

while ignoring his thug past..
stealing jewellery
punching a bus driver
smoking pot
making more drugs (Lean) at home

the biopic will be very good i predict,,

jaden smith as trayvon martin

michael pena as george zimmerman of steel

gabourey sidibe as racial i mean rachel jeantel


What is it!!! maybe it's the low cost of phones with internet that all the racist's seem to have internet access and they seem to be commenting on every film that features a non-white story. I bet either Fox News/Koch Brothers or some other right wing nazi organisation is funding these stupid people to go on the net & spread their hate. This was the strategy of the right wing after Barack Obama got elected The President of the United States, Karl Rove said on Faux News that the right wing have to get more computer literate & I think these comments are due to that...pathetic.


Smoking pot?!?!

Say it ain't so!

Who gives a fvck?


It probably contributed to his racist feelings, which certainly contributed to his death.

So, it's not a stretch to say liberals and their lies killed Trayvon Martin.

