A few questions

ok im interested to know a few things regarding the case and the movie after doing some research1. in the movie the murders apparently were put on record as 2.45 by della pesca, and there is a whole thing about discovering that the murders were at 2.30has this been totally made up by the makers of the movie?, including the witness and police records woman?2. are the canadians real people, and did they do anything?most of the stuff they uncovered looks like fiction or things that were already looked at during the first 2 trials3. regarding the real case, the prosecution made up an elaborate escape route for carter as he got away including picking up an alibi and going to change clothesbut did they explain why after the police stopped him the first time, why carter and artis ended up on the same street as the murders and only about 5 or 6 blocks upi think carter is guilty but i just dont understand why he would drive back closer to the crime scene if he is supposedly trying to escape


Yes, you're correct. That was made up (as was most of the film), about the phone record. The time of the call was well documented. It was not "doctored" to frame anyone. It was made up by the makers of the film, that's right.

Yes, the Canadians are real.

The police actually stopped Carter and Artis about 14 blocks from the murders...and there was a third man in the car with them: John "Bucks" Royster.

The movie depicts it, when that night they were stopped, Artis was driving, and Carter seated beside him. Perhaps to depict that they were innocent, had nothing to hide, and were acting normally. But the reality is, that that night, Artis was indeed driving, Royster was seated beside Artis, and Carter was lying down in the back seat. Was he just tired from partying, maybe? Or was he hiding, when the police stopped them, and let them go, as they were looking for two men in a car, and that car had three men. But then they got a description of the getaway...and realized it matched the car they had let go earlier, and hit the road to find it.


yes but my point was they got stopped 14 blocks away the first time, and when the police got back on the road to find them again, they found them in a much closer position (5 or 6 blocks up the road on the same street as the lafayette grill and facing away from it, suggesting they were even closer)

which means from carter and artis point of view, they got spotted leaving a murder scene with guns, they sped away to pick up an alibi, then went to a safehouse to change clothes and get rid of the guns

shortly after getting back on the road they are stopped by a police car and told the police are looking for a white car, but the police let them go

so now this is where it gets weird for me, in order to be stopped again 15 minutes later at the place they did, they would need to drive back in the direction of the crime scene (which is a highly unusual move for someone who has just executed a triple murder)

it looks to me that they were very comfortable with themselves, and not in a getaway frame of mind


They were, they had no worries.
I can't believe he was stupid enough to drive his own car there in the first place. I think they were drunk and stupid, and invincible, in Carters mind anyway.
Hey now! "I am the Hurricane"...........
