MovieChat Forums > Point Blank (1998) Discussion > It's a decent flick, great role for Dann...

It's a decent flick, great role for Danny Trejo

I see some stupid comments on here so I figured I'd watch it. It was an enjoyable action flick. Danny Trejo played a great villian, and the fight he had with Mickey was pretty damn good too. Overall its not going to be in my top 100 list or anything but I've seen a lot worse then this.

You know sometimes one a-hole gives a movie a bad rap, and that seems to be the case on here. The showcased review is 1 star...out of a movie a 1/10 is like saying its the worst movie ever made, which this is far from. And Mickey didn't have a lot to work with but he did fine, nothing extraordinary, but nothing bad either....

Give the guy a break...


I loved Danny Trejo's gleefully over the top portrayal of the crazed Wallace; I thought Danny stole the whole show. Rourke was likewise excellent in his role.

1,000 mini-bios and I feel like I'm just getting started


totally agree that trejo stole it.

rourke was cool as h3ll but understated. kinda too much in the background. the stunts were good, and i thought overall it was a good movie



It was alright. Not the best movie ever but Rourke & Trejo were awesome as always

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


Horrible movie, worst soundtrack, and over use of slow-motion.. But definitely rent this for Trejo! that pole dance scene, classic.
Michael Wright is always great to watch as well.
