MovieChat Forums > Gullah Gullah Island (1994) Discussion > How Come This Show Never Took Off?

How Come This Show Never Took Off?

I used to watch this show when I was 15, and now at the ripe old age of 27 I still watch it on Noggin, but I'm surprised how it never blew up as big as Barney, since
it had that same kind of corniness that you found yourself enjoying, I caught myself laughing at an episode of Sesame Street the other day, when I talked about it at work a few hours later everyone gave me that raised eye brow, but forget them I was raised on this stuff and I enjoy it. But with Gullah Gullah Island, it never went as far as it should, even when I worked at Toys R Us, I was surprised when I never say a Binyah Binyah Polliwog, I would of bought one, and there were never any videos in the video department. Gullah Gullah Island held a special place in my heart as well as my brother, during the summer of 96' we would wake up
early just to watch the show, we both had a crush on Marysol, and we'd often wished we lived there. And now its been reduced to reruns, reruns of a show were a binyah binyah polywog could solve anyones problems both old or young.


" used to watch this show when I was 15, and now at the ripe old age of 27 I still watch it on Noggin"

I stopped ready there, also do you still keep your baby blanket and have a bottle?
Im seriously wondering.


I am just wondering if you watch the show also too. Why did you look up the show to comment on it if you don't watch it. Sometimes when you are younger and you have watched something that made you feel good inside, you will watch that show as an adult, I wacthed it when I was younger and now I am 23 and last night I saw that it was on and I found myself watching it, I did not know that they had reruns and I loved the show when I was younger. I have a son and if I had Noggin I would let my son watch it because it is a terrific show. The only way I was able to see that it was on was because I was over at my mom's and they have Direct TV and that has the noggin channel.


Yeah I agree with you.
I JUST got Direct TV, and I found Gullah Gullah Island on tv and ran out to my mom cuz i was excited. I'm 17 and watched it when i was little, obviously the lessons are obvious and dont apply to me anymore, but it's really refreshing to go back and watch them again. I loved it when I was like 5, so to watch it again now is really cool.


I loved this show when I was little, but I haven't seen it on direcTV lately. I guess I'll have to look for it, because it's very much missed!


Well Gee That Is A Little Mean Was It!!!!!!!!!!!
Adults Can Watch Shows That They Know & Even Though That Guy Was 27 He Can Watch Shows That He Likes So How Would You Like It If Someone Made Fun Of You If You Liked Something, Think About It Before You Open Your Big Mouth At Someone Who Likes It! I Like Gullah Gullah Island I Used To Watch It When I Was Younger And I Found It On Amazon Instant Video So I Get To Watch It Again!


aww Allegra's Window! i remember that show too. who was your sister on the show?
man i wish Gullah Gullah Island came on sooner than 3 am. i used to watch the show when i was 7ish (i'm 21 now). i loved it. i got to see an episode a few weeks ago and have been dying to watch it again.


Lol it came on DirecTV the other day and I just screamed and started singing the words like I've been watching it everyday of my life.

My dad kinda looked at me, shook his head, and walked away...idk

I'm 17. Haven't seen the show since they cancelled it. I was so upset when they did.


i loved allegras window! my favorite episode was when she was scared about going to the doctor. awww i miss that show!

Heath Andrew Ledger
April 4,1979- January 22, 2008


It airs at 1:00 a.m now. Cliffs of Dover.


Dude, you were 15 watching this?

It was a great show, but for 5 year olds.


Man what a show, born in 89. This helped shape my childhood along with the other nick stuff are you afraid of the dark goosebumps hey Arnold the marvel cartoons salute your shorts the list goes on damn



It didn't get the star treatment (marketing or otherwise). It's criminal how they treated and continue to treat this gem of a program. And it's beyond comprehension how difficult it is to see or purchase good programming when we are surrounded by mountains of crap. I still believe in VCRs and I remember how to use it...

Columbus "discovered" America...because apparently 25 million Native Americans don't count.


OMG & Beach Angel, I know I'm a year late almost 2 but I am so *beep* jealous of your sis....those were all my favorite shows. Back in the day when Nickoledeon was the *beep*

"I think we are destined to do this forever." ~ The Joker


Haha i'm glad i'm not the only one...


it'll probably sell a few more dvd copies since chris brown just tweeted about it.

