Billy Tyne The Bully

I obviously have no idea what Billy Tyne was like IRL, but in the movie, he comes across as a complete bully whenever someone challenges him.

First case, the guy who decides working with Billy just ain't paying the bills, so he does what people do every day: take a better offer elsewhere. Instead of saying "thanks and good luck" Billy acts as if the guy is obligated to work for him forever and belittles him pretty strongly.

There was a second instance between Tyne and Wahlberg's character in a tense conversation where again Billy takes exception to something said to him and if I recall he basically calls Wahlberg a baby who's unfit to be part of a sword boat crew.

Third, last, and worst is when the crew calls in Tyne to tell him to basically turn back and try again later. Tyne is none too pleased and again belittles the entire crew, questioning their worthiness for the job. He eventually bullies the crew into going along with his wacky plan to head to the Flemish Cap, which eventually cost the crew their lives.

Billy may have found the fish, but his leadership skills clearly needed work.
