MovieChat Forums > Requiem for a Dream (2000) Discussion > They were doing good not showing the dru...

They were doing good not showing the drug use

At first anyways. Then they had to ruin it with him shooting into that infection. When I see that needle stuff I feel like puking, I have to look away. Don't need to see the needle go in to get the point. If a character goes into the bathroom I get what's probably going on in there. I don't need to see the actual *beep* happening. Every junkie movie ever made shows the needle process and it is unnecessary. I thought this one was different until that one part.


Unnecessary? If you're going to make a film about junkies then there will be the obligatory needle scene. I don't believe it's unnecessary just cause you happen to feel queasy about it.


Yes, they were doing good not showing the drug use and second they did very well showing him shooting into that infection. They wanted to create the viewers a specific image about the drug use, one that makes them feel like psychically puking and why not even for real.The movie was manipulative, but the director made a great job with that effect.


Well since the world revolves around make a good point!


'Anyways' is not a word. Stopped reading there.


Anyways is a word. Stopped reading there is an incomplete sentence. Genius.


It's a colloquialism used mostly by those who are uneducated and lazy. Good luck with that.


Oh, grow up weirdo.


Anyways is most definitely not a word


Yeah, maybe that's what you were taught decades ago; but it is now defined in every online dictionary as the following: Anyways- US, informal : anyhow, anyway.
That being said, are you and the prior poster the grammar police or something? I use these message boards to talk about movies, not troll posts over grammar.
