MovieChat Forums > Requiem for a Dream (2000) Discussion > And yet all of these Hollywood actors ta...

And yet all of these Hollywood actors take drugs

And seem to be doing well for themselves. So how is this movie so "truthful"?
Or the moral of story is "don't try drugs if you're poor"?

OCD predator:


It helps if u can afford it but that isn't the moral of the doesn't matter who u are,drugs are.bad mmmkay. And u don't know *beep* about celebrity lives,u think *beep* u see on tv and read is the real and only thing going on n their lives..dumb ass..Phillip seymore Hoffman dies bc he was a heroin addict and many others..


It's not drugs themselves but their addictive nature mixed with people who have addiction issues. A normal person can do drugs once or twice here and there and be completely functional in society. An addict will do the same drugs but become strung out and their life falls apart or die. Addiction is now classified as a disease.. Actors are no different with some perfectly ok while others become addicts...


I think 90% people or more of those who take drugs are addicts.
OCD predator:


"I think 90% people or more of those who take drugs are addicts."

And that conclusion is based on what actual information?

I think 90% of IMDB posters are ill-informed dolts. (I can pull numbers out of thin air too.)


Do all stories in movies have to have "morals"?

If so, does Michael Bay's TRANSFORMERS movie have a moral? If so, what is it, besides "stop paying for my terrible movies"?

That last part is a joke. But still, what's the moral in THAT story?

My thoughts:
My book:

You didn't come here to make the choice, you're here to understand why you made it.


Why is it a joke? Stop paying for his movies would be indeed a good moral. Is the part about your "thoughts and the book" your signature? If so, you need to define it more.
OCD predator:


Although most of his movies are, in my opinion, crap, not all of them are. So I felt like saying it was a joke, not that I can remember why.

Thanks for the advice. Is this better?

My thoughts about evolving human nature:
My fictional book about Lucifer, the Seven Deadly Sins, and the power of thought (even though I'm technically an atheist):

You didn't come here to make the choice, you're here to understand why you made it.


If so, does Michael Bay's TRANSFORMERS movie have a moral? If so, what is it, besides "stop paying for my terrible movies"?
Yes it does. It is very simplistic but the moral is it doesn't pay to be evil because good will always triumph.

My Vote history:


All of them? Really?


The lowliest actors don't, because they lives of normal people pretty much, in general. But all the higher-ups do.

OCD predator:
