Terminator Reflex Speed

The older, obsolete model has fast enough reflexes or reaction time to catch a bullet shot to its face (if I remember correctly).

A newer, shinier, and a FEMALE model (groan), has slow enough reaction time that you can shoot it with a bazooka / rocket launcher and hit it.

Also, this new model is slow enough that you can ram it with various things, including a car (which is a heckuva lot slower than a bullet).

So what exactly is the reaction time for the terminators, and why did they slow down the newer model so much compared to the older model?

The difference between the reaction time available, when a bullet is shot at you from close range and a car coming at you from a long distance away is =ENORMOUS =.

The difference between a rocket launched at you from 'some distance' and a bullet shot at you from close range is still pretty big.

So is there an explanation to this?

Sidenote: The new model terminator doesn't lift a finger, or do ANYTHING Jackie Chan would and could definitely do in a situation, where a car has just rammed it, and nothing is happening until the car crashes into something.

There are MANY SECONDS, during which, this new terminator could climb the car, or do some kind of acrobatic move, or at least try to do something. But it just lays there, because.. because..???


Part of the fun of the movie is seeing all the shit that the Terminators can take. We don't want one that EVADES danger, but one that stoically takes shit and carries on....like life.


I do agree with your complaint. I'm surprised you didn't mention the scene where she identifies John Connor's blood and stands there with a look on her face that makes it look like she is having an orgasm.


He didn't actually catch the bullet with his teeth if that's what you meant. You can see him moving the bullet out of his mouth. I agree with the other stuff. The T-X is about to shoot Brewster but pauses when Arnold pulls up in the car. Why? Why not just shoot the car? John opens the coffin and sits up when the cops are still firing at the car. Why would you do that? Nevermind how the coffin is bulletproof in the first place and why Sarah decided to make it that way.

This wasn't a smart movie where characters try to behave intelligently or logically as they can which makes it hard to suspend disbelief or really like the movie. It was just another mindless summer popcorn flick.
