MovieChat Forums > Almost Famous (2000) Discussion > Are you completely satisfied with the en...

Are you completely satisfied with the ending? (the last 20 mins)

Great movie, no doubt about that...

But do you think that the end was too shiny and happy?... It seems that the last part of the movie fixed everything so easily! (Russell apologizes to Penny Lane, Russell approves the article and apologizes to William, the article gets published, William's mother reunites with her daughter, Penny Lane stops her old life style and goes to Morocco....)...

I've expected a little 'darker' end!...



I think this film was a romantic perspective and because of that, and its rose-colored nostalgia, it eschewed any amount of real darkness at the end. Like nostalgia itself, the movie was bittersweet throughout.

But I'll concur that the ending packaged it all up in a neat and tidy bow.



Yes actually I guess I didn't want it to be like any normal romantic-comedy with a happy ending, and it isn't, it's much deeper than movies of this type... still I see some kind of contrast between the concept of this movie and the way it ends, but it's still a fave film...


I think it would've made more sense to have the article not get approved considering the title is Almost Famous. However, I still love this movie. Definitely in my all-time Top 10.


I really liked the ending and loved how it focused on true friendship and the importance of family (even though they can drive us crazy!!) The ending had a theme of reconnecting, so even though it did seem to tie up a little neatly in such a short period of time, I think it was very important to the overall message that Cameron Crowe was trying to show.

I also liked that it wasn't a stereotypical Hollywood ending. William didn't end up with his dream girl, and Penny and Russell didn't ride off into the sunset, but they all connected with authentic deep friendships and showing how much they cared for one another. The daughter would probably never go to college and her mom would always be a control freak, but they reached a place where they were ok with that and could show their family love. Pretty cool and was so excited for Penny going to Morocco.

Loved loved loved this movie!!


One other quick note: I think Russell would have been the biggest jerk if he didn't help William get his article published, and thought Russell treating William like a true friend was totally keeping with the friendship connection theme.


If it was truly a happily ever after movie than Russell would have left his wife for Penny Lane.



It wasn't a total happy ending IMO, it just shows that sometimes what seems like a very dark time could turn to light when you least expect it, William probably wasn't all that excited to be alive after going through all that to write the article, then have his dreams crushed because the band couldn't remember saying half of the things they did. And Penny finally gave up on Russell and probably didn't expect to hear from him again, it just shows you life can surprise you in those downer days sometimes. But ultimately it was still realistic because William never got Penny, and Penny never fully got Russell. There was no grand romantic climax, so I think that kept the ending from being too happy.

I'm Tom Hanks and I want you in my bed.


Everything worked out except the one thing Willian wanted most, that is, Penny


I was completely satisfied. It does have a touch of the bittersweet, as another person put it. William has come of age. He's much younger than Penny and not sure of everything he does and doesn't want in life because he has yet to experience enough of it up until the end.

Russell mans up and admits his faults. He respects William enough to level with him. And he has a big slice of humble pie when apologizing to Penny. This takes his ego down several notches and helps him to grow into a better man.

Penny is a bohemian and she doesn't get the man she wanted but she has the epiphany that she still has more to do and see, without following Russell around. That she can be happy and fulfilled if she's brave enough to wander into unknown territory and live one of her biggest fantasies.


It should have ended when they are in Will room and Russell says well to begin with, everything

Then it would be ALMOST FAMOUS, i hated how they showed everything was perfect leaving nothing to the imagination, it was a huge misstep to keep going after that scene


I absolutely felt that way the first time I saw this film and every time since. It's too "Hollywood".
Personally, I feel that's Cameron Crowe's issue as a writer - he writes decent scripts but the last part usually blows - I couldn't stand the ending of Jerry Maguire (although I didn't like most of that film - I thought the ending blew badly) - same here. Just too neat.

I saw this film again recently for the first time in ages (the extended cut too - which IMHO is better), and thought the film was more flowing than previous viewings but still the ending just didn't seem to fit in with the rest of it.

Again, my 2c so please refrain from abuse.
