MovieChat Forums > Almost Famous (2000) Discussion > What are some other films that are unlik...

What are some other films that are unlike any other?

I've always felt Almost Famous was totally unique in it's pacing, story, delivery of humor.. Everything really. It just feels like nothing else. What are some other movies that have a completely original and refreshing feel?

- Trainspotting
- Donnie Darko
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

"Super Bowl XLVIII will be most evenly-matched Super Bowl in 32 years"- AH_Fan


Niagara, Niagara
Muholland Drive


I was hoping this thread would have more recommendations! I know these aren't of the same genre but I like the feeling these movies give: Comet (2014) and Silver Linings Playbook (2013).


"The Graduate" comes to mind, as it's the first movie to subvert the cliche of "Older man seducing young naive female".



You're exactly right. Though I've tried to find other films like this, I can't, because there really is no other.

American Beauty comes to mind as being another completely unique film.


Mr Nobody with Jared Leto.
