Is this pro-USA?

I'm just asking.


I'm just asking.

There should be restrictions who can communicate on forums, just saying.

"Toto, I've [got] a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."


I dont think it is.. it portrays incompetent US officers, US officers supposedly commiting war crimes (spiers & pows), friendly german soldiers...

if anything I'd say its subjective and thats a good thing!


Hey...if you don't like the USA then get the hell out.


100% pro USA...The Pacific mini series they made a few years later was incredibly anti-american.


BoB is more about the soldiers themselves, the relationship they share with each other and the horrors they faced together. It does not focus on the country they serve and who is "good" and "evil".


It's made by the zionistic jews (USA+Israel). What do you think?


Oh you! Stop making jokes so much I can't laugh this much!

"Think of it. 90% of the population united against a common enemy. We'll be unstoppable!"


Zionistic BS. Everybody knows you can get subscribers, followers, "likers" and re-tweeters from India and China $1 a piece.


In WWII the Americans were heroes, and the Nazis were bad guys. To portray it any other way would be revisionist lying.


This series doesn't really take a stance on the US being heroes and the Nazis being bad.
