It's so bleedin BORING!!!!

So when Memphis first meets Raymond Calitri, Calitri is wastching a game of baseball and says that "it's so bleedin boring" and that he's trying hard to learn the American ways.

Does this sound a bit ironic that he comes from the land of cricket where games take up to several days to complete depending on the version that's played?
And the batsmen can just keep leaving the balls/padding them away/blocking them indefinitely in order to stay "in" as long as possible.

Well what are the use of my brains if I'm tied up with a dumb cluck like you?


Maybe he doesnt like cricekt either


Yeah, Calitri comes off like the kind of guy who isn't into sports people don't riot over....or can't be fixed. But in that case he should love baseball.


i point to the episode of 'the Simpsons' when Homer agrees to give up beer for a month. Sitting in the stadium and having to watch the baseball without alcohol, he says "I never realized how boring this game is"

Gimli: Youll find more cheer in a graveyard.


Logic wins again



British people don't understand American sports that's why they say they are boring! They only like dumb sports like soccer!!! That dude has the most stereotypical massive British teeth ever!


I agree with the OP.
