The beer can

I freakin' crack up every time I see Bruce throw the beer to Matthew and he just stands there, and the beer goes right off the boat into the water.

Freakin' classic scene!

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I love this scene too. This movie is full of stuff that makes me lol!!

Try Jesus. If you don't like Him, the devil will always take you back.


Actually, I thought he was throwing the beer deliberately in the water, like giving it to Frankie Figgs.



I love that part!
I laugh my head off everytime!

Where are You going to be after school?


I think at fist they want you to think he's throwing it at Oz, but in reality he's throwing it to Franky. The climax of it is when it sails past Oz. If he wanted Oz to have it he would've thrown it at him. He's an excellent thrower, look how far away he hit that car with the Molotov Cocktail. But that scene is pretty hilarious because he doesn't try to catch it or even acknowledge it because he's freaking out. Best part of the movie hands down.


That part is so funny. It totally plays to Matthew's character. And then Bruce Willis' face is classic. =)

A paper man cut into shreds
By his own pair of scissors
He'll never forgive her


Yes very funny. However shouldnt have been a Molson not Miller? They were in Canada ay!


They were back in Chicago actually .. they were there getting the $10 million from the bank.


that's my favorite scene in the whole movie too. love bruce's reaction to it also

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