Why do people just love to hate pokemon?

I love the games (Any rpg with a huge cast of usable characters that are actually different is good but add in the idea of having to catch them yoursself and It almost can't fail I'm also a notable Megaten fan) and the movies are alright but they have scores lower than they could possibly deserve, Its like people seek out pokemon on imdb just to show their contempt for it. I'll agree that they are kids movies. No matter how much you want to argue the depth the dialogue Is just to child oriented to possibly look good to adults. But what are they supposed to be? they're about a bunch of cute little pets with powers, not much else either.

I will say the show sucks though. I liked it when pokemon was in its prime but looking back at it the battles (which lets face it, thats what the viewers wanted to see) were all really slow (as in we don't have to see the gd trainers reactions to every move they make and we didn't have to se their face every time they gave a command. It just slowed everything to a crawl.) and team rocket can only blast off so many times before you wanted to see one of the casts pokemon just finish them off once and for all.

Anyway I still can't figure out though why so many adults go to their imdb pages just to vote them down as if pokemon had slapped them in the face and they want revenge.



people pretend to hate it. because they're embarrassed that they secretly love it


As an older viewer I can still enjoy quite a but about it.

The Games rock, like anything else Nintendo they never go wrong with the Actually games, that some of the side projects to milk it dry get pointless.

The Series is redundant and stupid the vast majority of the time, but occasionally it can very entertaining.

The Movies are almost all pretty good with the exceptions being mediocre.

"It's not about Money

It's about sending a message

Everything Burns"



I generally agree. When I was younger, I was obsessed with Pokemon. I played the games, I watched the show, I lined up to see this movie, I collected cards, etc. I eventually moved on to other things. Recently, I've turned my interest in Pokemon's direction and re-analyzed things.

The games, which I've started to play again recently, are really good and fun. They're what initially brought me to Pokemon anyway, and even now I find myself deeply entertained by them.

The show, I'm not nearly as fond of. Back in the day, I liked the show, but now, looking back and watching reruns, it seems kiddish and simple, the animation is sub-par, the story lines are repetitive, and there isn't much in the way of depth.

As for the movies, I've recently watched two: 'Mewtro Strikes Back' and 'Lucario and the Mystery of Mew", the latter of which came out after I drifted away from Pokemon. They're still a little kiddish and simple sometimes, but they ARE better than the actual show - the animation is better, the stories have a little more meat to them, and there's a little more depth to them. I'm not saying "Mewtwo Strikes Back" is a masterpiece, but 3.6? Come on, people.

Aside from the games, I'm still 'past' Pokemon...gone are the days of my obsession...but it still seems to be that people are being unfairly hard on this movie, especially considering that it's aimed at kids anyway. People need to lighten up.


I'm kind of watching the first movie on TV right now... and it's ridiculous. The entire premise of Pokemon is that you go around fighting creatures for fun.

In the movie the pokemon are fighting their clones for the survival of the human and pokemon (?) race, but are forced to fight "hand to hand" rather than using their powers and several characters actually say "This isn't right... pokemon aren't meant to fight....... like this."

The implication to anyone older than probably 8 is that it's perfectly ok to fight pokemon for your amusement but not when it means something. The movie is filled with moments like this. It'd be fine if they realized raising pokemon for fight was essentially animal abuse. I'm not saying they should (for the sake of the show), but they should have known to avoid saying things like the above.

Oh yeah, and magic dust particles bring ash back from the "dead" without reason. The reason the movie is rated so low is because frankly, it's bad. Even kids movies should make logical sense, and not be laughably corney to adults. There are a ton of kids movies I own and love, but it's because they're GOOD kids movies.



I absolutely loved pockemon infact all i did was collect cards and sticker books and despite having a million energy cards(no one gave a damn about them) I had never got a Charizard which still haunts me today anyway the show I know was a little poorly animated and our parents must of thought we were on lsd to be watching it but it captured my imagination the whole idea of normal kids just going around independantly capturing pokemon which they used to fight each other and so I don't regret to of liked Pokemon although if you asked me if I ever did in public I would deny it. Pokemon red was a great game and I spent allot of money on batteries to play the game. Howether the film was a let down and probably because of the hype when I first saw the trailer.


The Dub of the first movie greatly hindered it, the original Japanese film isn't driven by an anti-violence theme and doesn't have the voice over from the narrator at the start.

The Japanese version is much driven by the Frankenstein analogy, the biggest problem Whit the dub is that they removed all the references to God, the original film is really rather Philosophical, as Anime often is.

"It's not about money

It's about sending a Message

Everything Burns!"




The games were incredibly revolutionary and deserved all its success. The anime had potential but was ruined by Team Rocket and it was childish.


