MovieChat Forums > Lockdown (2017) Discussion > Major plot flaw that made it unrealistic...

Major plot flaw that made it unrealistic...

The sub-plot of young Dre being brutally and continuously raped by Graffiti WHILE ALSO becoming Graffiti's punk in a prison with predominant black gangs was NOT REALISTIC AT ALL, since the movie takes place in a U.S. prison, I think in New Mexico.

It is of common knowledge in U.S. prisons that blacks and hispanics gang together and DO NOT ALLOW members of other ethnic groups to sexually assault their own (But do have a tendency to "punk" members of their own race). If a black inmate was sexually assaulted by a hispanic or a white inmate, then black inmates would RIOT in retaliation looking to kill the perpetrator. Same concept would apply if a hispanic inmate was attacked by someone from out of his ethnic group. Not the same concept applies with whites, who are minorities in prison.

Studies have demonstrated that the ethnic group that is MOST vulnerable to rape in men prisons is the one conformed by whites. Young white males become preys for sexual predators in prison, and it is also a well-known fact that whites do not protect each other while incarcerated unless they are part of some sort of White Supremacist gang.

In a real-life prison, Graffiti would have never been allowed to "punk" Dre and have it made known to the entire prison.





Just because its common knowledge as you so put, doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. You're talking about a maximum security prison where you could be anybody's b@tch if you don't watch your back, especially if the other inmates don't like you. I've never been to prison (thank god!!) but I have relatives that have and they all tell me that anything goes when you're in there.


I've never been to prison either, but it would be interesting to hear from you about some of the things that your relatives have told you, in order to enlighten us a little bit more on the "anything goes" part.


Uh, what do you think it means, don't drop the soap or you'll get you're salad tossed! Can I be any more precise?


i fu watched it ud see that he was part of a supremssit group and that they were big enough to get away with that. i thought it was texas tho



Heh! Don't you mean Black in White crime?


I responding to freddymeister comments. The movie take place in a New Mexico state prison not Southern California.





The movie was filmed at the old state pen of New Mexico. In 1980 33 inmates died during a riot that lasted about 36 hours it read a little bit about and the movie on this web article





Blacks and Hispanics make up majority of prison populations. Not racist statement, just the facts. I think filmakers where just being anti-White, making viliian a white guy. White gangs don't have much power in prisons, despite what shows like Oz or movies like American History X try to show people. If White gang triied going after Black inmates, they'd be dead quick. It was also phoney how black rape victum was so surprised and gullible "what are you doing!" he's asking them. Well, you are in prison, your pants are pulled down, guy is on top of you-----what is he doing? Duh!


I think that he asked Grafitti what was he doing because he wasn't expecting it. Didn't he rape him when he 1st got there? He was saying how cool his art work was & then all of the sudden, boom he raped him or am I remembering it wrong? And yeah, it was a little unrealistic that nobody went after Grafitti and his gang for messing with Dre. I remember I was watching this movie with Blair Underwood & Louis Gossett Jr. a long time ago and these white guys were trying to mess with Blair Underwood, but Louis & his gang stopped them and told Blair that black inmates are protected by other black inmates from the white gangs.


Would they really put a black guy in the same cell with a white guy though? The documentaries I've watched on max security prisons shows everything divided by race. If a white guy is seen talking to a black guy the white guys would go after him and vice versa. That's what guys were saying. Each race has their own section out in the yard and nobody can cross that section and so forth. Maybe that's just the hardest max security prisons. That's what was shown about pelican Bay and San quinton



the prison looked pretty small compared to others.
there were also two gangs trying to win in a drug war.
and any casualties were discarded.

Cash made no attempt to stick up for Dre. he didnt ask
Clean UP to retaliate. and why would he? he didnt know Dre
and i doubt he would have done anything, he was concerned
about himself.

you can look at it as Dre was weak and useless
there would have been no reason to "save" him from Graffiti.
that and both had crooked cops on their side.

This is A Sig
IMDB...its not fanboard



Look ive done time in California and I can say you have no clue as to what goes on,on the inside.California prisons is SEGREGATED.The southern hispanics or the Mexican Mafia are allied with the Aryan Brotherhood.To say the blacks would riot over a PUNK is NOT REALISTIC at all.Its a dog eat dog world in Prison.No one gives a *beep* if its your own race.People see as hey if he cant defend himself,what the *beep* is his use to us? NOBODY like a punk and thats real.Dre wasnt part of any of the prison gangs so he was up for grabs by ANYONE.


But would they put a black kid in the same cell as a nazi?


I just saw the last hour of the movie tonight and came here to find out what the title of the book was. I was thinking it was the Count of Monte Cristo or something like that. To find out it was the invisible man just as fitting, but in a different way.

I have never been to prison and never will. But I did come across an article in the news a short while ago that I thought was funny in a silent kind of way.

The Count.
"Only you know the true value of your pride"


if Cashmere was really a tough guy, it would have never happened either. but he was a lil beyotch. Avery was the man. who was really a Man.

