MovieChat Forums > The West Wing (1999) Discussion > bring back The West Wing

bring back The West Wing

I know that I'm not the first to suggest this, but we unentitled, higher educated, and publicly/politically interested demographic are starving for a resurgence in intelligent television.

Aaron Sorkin please come back! We don't have to agree with your political views, but we do agree with the intellectual demand created by your dynamic characters, specific dialog, and educational interaction of how government works, operates, and is need of participation. Please come back and reintroduce those at-large who have been removed from relevant TV to actual government, this next generation that believes government is a reality TV show, those who are glued to government as a scandal, and the uninitiated who are ignorant to where you have previously set the bar.

I want to see Sam running for Prez, Toby as his COS, Charlie in the HOR, etc... Let's get to work. I'll sign on to ghost write for free if need be.


I'll sign on to ghost write for free if need be.

No offense but it just wouldn't work without Sorkin. Besides a few exceptional episodes, especially those written by Debbie Cahn, seasons 5 to 7 were terrible.

I know that I'm not the first to suggest this, but we unentitled, higher educated, and publicly/politically interested demographic are starving for a resurgence in intelligent television.

The West Wing was always a fluke so I wouldn't call it a resurgence but I do agree. The show ruined television for me. Nothing that came after was nearly as good although shows like Orphan Black give me hope. Have you tried The Newsroom?

I want to see Sam running for Prez

lol I really don't. Sam can go back to that black hole he dropped in during season 4 until John Wells unearthed him with a big fat check to Rob Lowe at the end.

I doubt the cast would be back though. They've all moved on. Allison Janney is pretty busy, in particular. They could get Rob Lowe for cheap since he's now doing two bombs every year but the others? Nah.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco
