MovieChat Forums > The West Wing (1999) Discussion > Continuity error: age of grandkids

Continuity error: age of grandkids

So in the VERY first episode, we learn that Annie is 12. I'm now watching Season 6, episode 2, The Birnam Wood, when they are at Camp David, and President Bartlet just tells the Prime Minister of Israel that his granddaughter Annie is going to start High School. Lol!


How many years later is that supposed to be?

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It has been suggested that Bartlet left out a few words, and meant to say that "Annie started her last year of high school last week."

The time that elapsed between the two episodes in the TWW timeline is somewhat complicated, but clearly Annie must be older than 14 or 15 in Episode 6:2. It is reported that there was a conscious effort to avoid tying TWW to specific dates. For the first few years, however, there is a fairly close concordance.

It is generally considered that the first episode, Pilot occurred about August 1999. (Bartlet elected 1998, first State of the Union in episode 1:12, Laurie's graduation 9 months after episode 1:1.) The episode first aired September 22, 1999.

Episode 6:2, The Birnam Woods, first aired October 27, 2004. It references the beginning of the school year, placing it in about the same month as the first episode, August, or possibly September. The problem is the year. If the years in TWW were concordant, it would be 2004, and Elizabeth's daughter Anne would be 17.

However, sometime between the fourth and fifth seasons the timing shifts, skipping the sixth Christmas and the 2004 midterms (recalling that elections in TWW have a two year offset). In episode 6:5, The Hubbert Peak, it is indicated that it is the seventh year of the Bartlet administration, or 2006, so episode 6:2 must have been in 2005, and Anne is 18.


Makes sense! Thanks.

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The continuity of this show is really out the window. The timeline is a mess and is impossible to pin down. Leo mentions twice how long he has known Jed and each time it's different (I believe the first mention was longer than the second mention, which is when Leo is asked in court how long he has known Bartlet and has he known him the longest, to which Leo replies "The First Lady...") has. Zoey's age is also incorrect a few times. I'd just take it with a grain of salt.

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