
This show could easily be rebooted. Sidney worked as a professor by day so they could still show her doing that job. Perhaps she fell out of being an adventurer, but she suddenly finds herself on a new quest to hunt down a relic. It could be a limited series. It just think this would be a good show to bring back.


I'm actually surprised they didn't try to reboot this. Maggie Q would had been great but she may be older than what they want now. Probably be someone like Chloe Bennett instead.


I think it would suffer from the same problem it had the first time, of being compared to Tomb Raider. (I don't think it was like Tomb Raider but people seemed to think it was.) From what I remember from an interview Tia Carrere did a few years ago, the basic idea of the show was really about flipping the genders in a specific way: woman was the hero, guy was the damsel in distress. I thought that was very funny, and it wouldn't really need to be based on tomb raiding or relic hunting or anything like that. You just need an action situation that places both people in jeopardy every week. So if they could find a way to switch the action venue, then maybe they could do it.

Alternately, maybe they could focus on the history aspect and ditch the action, but that would miss the fun of flipping the genders and finding fun ways for Nigel to constantly screw up and be saved by Sydney.

I always thought it was a pity it didn't last longer, there was a lot of good stuff left to do. Often when I see some new archaeology find, I think "This would make a great Relic Hunter episode." (What would Sydney think of the Hobby Lobby folks getting a Gilgamesh tablet? I don't think she would like it.)

Really fun show.


I guess that show Blood & Treasure is filling the void now.


Yeah I guess I will have to check it out. It seems like more of a long, single-arc story. Which is fine, but I really like the episodic thing in RH of a different relic each week. I also really liked the little bits at the beginning of RH episodes where we saw each relic in its original habitat. I know they were pretty hokey but I liked them! And some of them were sorta cool. Like the one where the Egyptian pharaoh is admiring some hieroglyphics about his amazing accomplishments and his priest is next to him saying he's going to use [the relic] to have a great victory and then it fades out and when it comes back in the present day, all the hieroglyphics are faded and old, the relic is sitting on the floor amidst destruction, and you realize the relic killed the pharaoh and the priest right after that conversation. And Sydney doesn't ever quite figure out what happened, it's something only the audience knows. I loved that!

OOh, and another one I really liked was The Last of the Mochicas, where the beginning bit is some sort of shaman guy doing a ritual over a warrior's body to create a spell that will protect the tribe, and when it fades to the present, the warrior's bones are still sitting there but the rest of the chamber is in ruins and you realize the tribe wasn't protected.

Ooh, and another one I really liked was the one with the magical necklace in season 3, where WE know the necklace is magical because the opening piece tells us so, but Nigel doesn't know, and he's all: what?!? is going on??????

I'd better stop now...
