Big Momma's house 2

should be called "big momma returns the sqeual something like that coz it didnt invlove big momma's house at all

"I GOT A WEDGIE" from Phoebe


shut up


no,and was i talking to you thought so so why dont you shut up and thats not the answer i was looking for so get a life and keep your thoughts to yourself

"I GOT A WEDGIE" from Phoebe


Amazing how two little words can cause someone to lose all sense of grammar.



Wow... This movie made around 90 million dollars? I think I'm gonna go cry now...

"War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength." - George Orwell


go to the board for that movie and don't post it here. how are peopel that look up the other movie suposed to see this thing here?
