
was the song "big bad momma" by foxy brown & sisqo on the soundtrack to this movie?


No, that song is on the How to Be a Player sountrack, the movie with Bill Bellamy.




what was the song that had the background track "sledgehammer" in it. I believe the chorus was... "i got ta have it".???


Here are the lyrics to songs in the movie:


I've been trying to find one of the songs in the movie and I don't think it's listed on the soundtrack. It was a fast rap style song and the only parts of it I could understand were these phrases: shake it to the east momma, shake it to the west; big girl got it going on; you get with this I get with that. The song was playing towards the beginning of the movie when they were trying out the "Big Momma" disguise for the first time.

Any ideas? I've gone through two dozen lyrics searchers and no luck.


Boy I have looked for this song a long time too and really cannot find it ANYWHERE! Maybe its one of those things that they hire some guys to do a rap but it was never published. But I would think it would have to be listed somewhere!


Hey rtrdude --

I found it and got it off Morpheus. It's by Black Dave and it's called "Big Mama, Go Big Girl." What a great song!


DUDE THANK YOU I LOVE U! im gonna try and get it off limewire. thanks man! :)


ok, limewire couldnt find it now i am trying morpheus. i got it downloaded in like 3 minutes(free one) i found the song:) but i dont get morpheus yet.little different than limewire. it says, one source and its not downloading. wat do i do?


nevermind dude, got it off limewire after all and it downloaded. thanks man! u rock! GO BIG GIRL WAT U GON DO! SHAKE IT TO EAST MAMA, SHAKE IT TO THE WEST MAMA, SHAKE IT TO THE SOUTH MAMA, SHAKE IT TO THE NORTH MAMA! I LOVE U MAN! :):):)


lol, it does my black heart good to know I helped somebody out. That song is definitely one of my favorites. Even if i'm in a crappy mood, listening to it makes me want to get up and dance.
