MovieChat Forums > Snatch (2001) Discussion > "Pull your tongue out of my arsehole, yo...

"Pull your tongue out of my arsehole, you're not a dog, dogs do that."

Thing is, that man meant it as a compliment when he said "That's what you deserve" after being asked if he reckons that's what should be done, make him "proud".

But then he snarls back albeit hilariously with that line. So Brick Top doesn't like to be complimented?

Also, in order for it to be less embarrassing, what should that man have said to him INSTEAD?

And how does one give compliments to a powerful gangster figure without potentially sucking up to him like that? So that he maybe says to him "Thank you" and "you're right" etc?



Put down the crack pipe, your teeth will fall out.

Signed, million man.
